TNT Destructive Addon
Adds 32 new TNT’s to your Minecraft game, x5, x20, x50, x100, x500, napalm, nuke, fake, god, fast, small, no texture, mining TNT, bad quality TNT, Knockback TNT, Fire TNT, Fast TNT x15, Dynamite, Dynamite x5, Dynamite x20, Dynamite x50, Dynamite x100, Dynamite x500, Napalm Dynamite, Nuke Dynamite, Fake Dynamite, God dynamite, Small Dynamite, No Texture Dynamite, Mining Dynamite, Bad Quality Dynamite, And Fire Dynamite!
Inspired by the Too Much TNT mod for Minecraft Java Edition!
Thanks for downloading!

This Add-on adds 32 new TNT’s to your Minecraft game! Some of them are REALLY destructive!
TNT x5: Explodes with power of 5 TNT’s

TNT x20: Explodes with power of 20 TNT’s.

TNT x50: Explodes with power of 50 TNT’s

TNT x100: Explodes with power of 100 TNT’s

TNT x500: power of 500 TNT’s

Napalm: Causes a fire.

Nuke: Destroys and burns.

Fast TNT: Explodes instantly

Fast TNT x15: Explodes instantly with power of 15 TNTs

No texture TNT: Random between the following 4 things:

1. Nothing
2. Sets 1 block fire.
3. Breaks 1 block.
4. Breaks 1 block, and sets 1 block in fire.
Fake TNT: Does nothing, perfect for pranks!

Small TNT: Explodes less than usual (About as much as a creeper)

Mining TNT: It grants every single block that it breaks, ideal for mining.

God TNT: Destroys a lot. (And lags a lot, too!)

Bad quality TNT: Bad texture, bad hole.

Knockback TNT: knocks you back. (Sadly, the new updates have been breaking it. I'm trying to fix this bug)

Fire TNT: Makes a big hole and sets in fire everything close to it

Bonus - Dynamite!
Dynamites have the same effects as their corresponding TNT's. The only difference is that you can throw them. These are great if you are in survival mode, because it means that large TNT's (such as the nuke) won't kill you anymore!

Here's a cool picture of my world after using every single TNT!


To craft the dynamites, add 4 arrows in the same layout as in the following image, and replace the TNT in the middle with any TNT (Other than the Fast TNT's and with the Knockback TNT) that you want to turn into dynamite.

There is a special recipe to create the Fake Dynamite. Instead of putting fake TNT in the middle, just don't put any TNT.

Thanks for downloading!
- Support for 1.20.
- Updated the page for the addon.
1. Download the file and open it with Minecraft
2. It should say “Successfully Imported”
3. Then, enable the mod on the world that you want to use it.
4. Make sure that you turned all of the experimental features!
5. Explode your world!

creator: LasokarXD