Trap Block Add-on (Auto generate Structure)
Do you want to troll your friends? Watch them rage because of what you do or make? Well why not simplify the process but get the same reaction? Trap block add-on add 12 blocks that when stepped will trigger a structure or effect to troll your friends
Most of the trap block effect are destructive, and will replace or break block nearby it when triggered
Some block effect may cause lags (namely shower trap and tnt trap) so don't trigger too much of it at the same time
Some effect of the block replace the trap block, making it you need to craft them again
The effect are currently limited, if you have any suggestion or idea for a trap feel free to post them on the comment and if possible i'll make them into a block
Now to the information, this add-on added 12 block with 6 variant of oak planks, cobblestone, dirt, grass, gravel, sand
Each block have an effect that's triggered when a player steps on it, the top part of the block is the same as a vanilla/base game block so you can hide or camouflage it with a regular block
Here's the trap block list with a short explanation
obsidian trap
summon a 3x3 cube with the player submerged in water

lava trap
teleport the player and up places cobweb and lava under them and surround them in an Obsidian wall

sand trap
suround the player with obsidian and 128 sand above their head

TNT trap
surround the player in a hollow obsidian cube filled with TNT

Drip stone trap
surround the player with obsidian and place 128 of falling drip stone on top of them

Teleport trap
teleport the player 1000 block up

mob trap
surround the player in a cage with 8 zombie inside

Shower trap
Surround the player in obsidian and place a dispenser on top of them that shoots instant damage potion

Pumpkin trap
Replace the player head slot with a curse of binding pumpkin and give blindness effect (will destroy any helmet/hat equipped)

Clear trap
clear the player inventory

Hole trap
Dig an 8x8 block all the way to the void, (will only destroy block below it, but also work on any height)

lightning trap
summon 8 lightning (not necessarily deadly, but it will give them a scare)

Due to minecraft rendering bug with custom block it may makes the block have a different shade than the regular block, it is recommended to place the trap block in a bright place or open skies
All block can be found in nature tab for creative, and can be crafted for survival, the recipes will be shown in the crafting menu/book
To make things balanced and to get an actual funny response, most trap doesn't instantly kill and can be countered here's a list to counter trap incase your friends try to use the traps against you
Obsidian trap
Dig the obsidian on top of you, you would barely have enough time so be quick
Lava trap
Fire resistance potion or water bucket, you can also try to escape by breaking the glass wall
Sand trap
you can try to glitched out of the trap
TNT trap
You can use shield to block explosion damage
Hole trap
You can use elytra or water bucket before you fall into the void
That's it for now, remember I'm open for any suggestion or idea for a new trap, please if you have them don't forget to say it in the comments
I hope you have a good day
changed the featured image to fix the title in the image and also changed boostellar required steps
How to pass boostellar the file you want to download
2. Click/press on "click on ad" which will open a new tab of random blog/site, delete the new tab, wait for 30 second (don't open boostellar tab while waiting) on "accept notification" which will open a new tab of random blog/site and will ask you to allow notification, DO NOT ACCEPT OR ALLOW THEM, it will spam you with notification if you do so, instead delete the new tab, and wait 15-30 second (I don't know the exact time, don't open boostellar tab while waiting)
4. Click "unlock content" from mediafire (make sure the name is correct, if there's a pop up asking you to download something that doesn't match the file name, don't allow them, and quickly cancel the download or delete the files to open the mcpack file with minecraft if you're on android, or change it into .zip if you're on ios
creator: Astrokylo1