Tree Leaves Realistic MCPE
Addons with tree leaves more realistic, by adding bushy leaves replaces minecraft default leaves, with this a new experience and new atmosphere is created with more lush and realistic leaves.
In this addons all tree leaves are replaced with bushy leaves and you can use sapling to grow the tree, and if you destroy leaves without scissors it will drop random sticks or sapling sometimes doesn't drop anything, to destroy using scissors will drop Bushy leaves.
Image of Tree with Bushy Leaves.
-Oak Tree

-Birch Tree

-Spruce Tree

-Acacia Tree

-Jungle Tree

-DarkOak Tree

[For more information is in the video, please watch.]
you are strictly forbidden to copy code and take models and textures in this addons, if you want to review use the mcpdl link not the download link!!
there is no update for this version, there is no update for this version, there is no update for this version, there is no update for this version, there is no update for this version.
how to install, the addons link below, the zip from the addons file, 3.copy the folder named "[B]" in the games>com.mojang folder of behavior pack, 4.copy the folder named "[R]" in games>com.mojang>resource packs folder, 5.Enter minecraft and install the texture in minecraft settings
creator: Indarzy Kw