Trial Chamber PLUS
Hello, im Exeberus. Trial Chamber Plus is a Vanilla Add-on, this means that it will not change much to our "Vanilla" worlds with massive content or content that could change our Vanilla experience too much. This add-on will add unique and special elements such as a new being of armor, weapons, tools, a new food and a new magic item among other materials for the elaboration of these, even new small structures that we can find on the surface, modifications to the loot, etc
The Heavy Sword
The Heavy Sword is a sword that will make the user heavier when wielding it, but this will be compensated by its damage.
To obtain this sword you must find its parts and make it, the necessary parts are "The Heavy Handle" and "The Heavy Blade".
- This part can be found in the barrels of the "Trial Chamber"
- This part can be found in the normal "Vault" rewards, the probability is low.
The crafting recipe is shown in the images, you can also repair it with "The Heavy Handle" or "The Heavy Blade"
"The Ancient Copper Tools"
The "Ancient Copper Tools" are a set of tools (including a sword) obtained as a reward in the "Trial Spawner", they are an item with a low probability of being obtained.
They are tools similar to iron ones but with greater durability (Currently the Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel and the Hoe have infinite durability due to my limited programming capabilities, in the future this will be solved) The "Ancient Copper Pickaxe" stands out for having the same mining capabilities than a diamond one but it does not have the same mining speed.
These Tools can be repaired with copper ingots
"Golden Sun Book"
This item is very special, it can be obtained with a very low probability in the "Vault".
This object, as its description says, can be equipped in the left hand as if it were a shield, by having it in the left hand you will receive a level 1 regeneration effect.
You will realize that the book works when golden particles begin to emerge where you are.
When you right click to interact with this object (You need to have it in your right hand) you will summon a small "Golden Sun" that will follow the closest user, that means you can summon it and give it to another player if they are very close.
The purpose of this "Golden Sun" is to give level 1 regeneration to all players in a radius of 5 blocks, over time this sun will weaken by launching small "novas" up to a total of 4 times, these "novas" They will apply level 1 resistance for about 5 seconds to all players within a 5-block radius.
When the "Golden Sun" finally collapses, it will instantly heal all players within a 5-block radius and apply Absorption level 1 for 30 seconds.
- This item has a 1 minute cooldown
- It has 10 possible uses before breaking
- Can be repaired with "Gold Blocks"
"Gear Cookie"
This little cookie is a good food that, when consumed, provides Speed level 1, 6 nutrition points and decent saturation.
When consumed, it will display particles and a unique sound.
You can find these cookies in "Barrels", in normal "Trial Spawner" rewards and in "Vaults". They are quite common and very tasty.
"The Cobalt"
Cobalt is a new mineral that you can only find in the trial chambers, they are dropped by the "Breeze" (Their original loot was not modified, cobalt is a new drop separately) they can be obtained as a reward in the "Trial Spawner" and in the "Vault" quite frequently.
- For this mineral there are no tools or sword, only the objects shown in the image
Let's start with the "Cobalt Shuriken" which is a new throw, it deals 8 points of damage and works like a snowball.
- These shurikens can be stored up to 16 per stack
- They can be obtained in "Barrels" and "Vaults"
- Can be crafted
There is a material that you will also need to craft with cobalt, the "Cobalt Socket" you can find them in the "Vaults" frequently.
"Cobalt Armor"
The "Cobalt Armor" is an armor set with the same defense as iron armor, but has more durability and a Unique effect when wearing the complete armor set.
As it says in the item description, when wearing the full armor set you will receive level 1 resistance but only while running.
When you run some particles of white smoke will come out.
- Remember that you can create a block with cobalt to better store this mineral.
"Mini Trials Spots"
To finish with the Add-on, you can find small structures on the surface called "Mini Trial Spots"
They are small structures that have a "Pot" and a "Trial Spawner".
You can find them with these mob variations:
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- Husk
- Stray
- Bogged
- Cave Spider
- Silverfish
Mobs that can burn in sunlight will spawn in structures with a small roof.
"Other Changes"
I made other changes such as the "Trial Spawners" loot, Now the "Trial Spawner" can give extra loot in addition to the original loot, this loot will be better if the "Trial Spawner" is "Ominous".
New Extra Loot in Normal Trial Spawner
New Extra Loot in Ominous Trial Spawner
It is more common to get diamonds and emeralds in the "Ominous Trial Spawner"
Version 1.0.0v Any errors you may find would be greatly appreciated if you indicated them in the comments.
When you download the file Trial Chamber PLUS [1.0.0v].mcpack you must run it and Minecraft will automatically open to begin its installation.