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MCPE/Bedrock Troll Items Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Troll Items Addon

How to troll your friends in minecraft...This addon will help you to troll your friends this addon has more 8 troll items...To active this addon you need to write or copy this commands:/structure load deday ~ ~ ~


How to troll your friends in minecraft...this addon will help you to troll your friends this addon has more 8 troll active this addon you need to write or copy this commands

Copy This Commands!

/structure load deday ~ ~ ~


Troll Items:

Command block machine:

Write this command!



This command works from far away 

You can load this command in your worlds!

Troll Chest:

If you opened this chest it will explode in 5 seconds

Troll Furnace:

When you approach the furnace you will burn.

Use clear lag to stop the burning furnace

Troll Slime:

If you step on the slime you will fly


Dont use headset

Your friends might be deaf you can use clear lag to stop the sound

Troll dirt

Your friend will not able to destroy this dirt

Use clear lag to destroy the dirt 

Troll Landmine

If you step on this mine it will explode in 3 seconds and you will get a slowness effect

Knockback Stick & Punch Bow

Knockback Stick & Punch Bow has same effect this can teleport your friends in a random place


This addon is does not require resource pack this addon 100% made using command blocks





-Press download button 

-Tap click here to continue

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-Tap "free access with ads"

-Tap "Discover articles" and wait for 5 seconds

-Tap continue



Topic starter Posted : 12/04/2022 3:51 pm