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MCPE/Bedrock True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse

Illustrious Member Admin

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse




This add-on is designed to be as hard as possible with little chance of survival, every feature added or edited has been done for a reason. To the amount of Zombies to how many Drinks you can find has been designed to be difficult. The add-on is very survivable but only if your good enough.

If you have any questions or queries try asking on the Discord Server.


Your First Day!

Every Player will start this add-on falling from the sky with a Parachute attached, this is so you do not get spawn killed on your first day choose a good spot to land and get going.

You will have a few items on you to start with, but they will not last you long so get looting! Look for Structures as you are falling so you know which direction to head in first.


Getting Food!

Animals will not give you food  just because you killed them, you will need to use a Sharp Tool to get the meat from the Animal manually, if the aniamls has not been vaccinated then you will only get Contaminated Meat from them.


Rats and Crows will try to eat a Dead Animal so get to it before they do.



Keep Hydrated!

Your Thirst will deplete over time just like your hunger, keep an eye on it and keep Hydrated by drinking drinks found in Structures or re-filling bottles of Water.




Get Tooled Up!

By looting Structures you will come across some basic tools to help you kill the Zombies, things like Screwdrivers, Hammers and Baseball Bats.

If you are unable to find a Tool try mining some stone to turn into Small Rocks to throw at the Zombies.



Trade Items!


As you loot more and more Structures you will notice items like Shampoo and Toilet Roll, they may seem like completely pointless items but they are probably the most imortant as they are the items used to trade with other Humans, collect all these items as they will be useful in tte future.



On your travels you will noticed more secure Structures, these are other Humans who are surviving the Apocalypse. These Humans will have some items to trade you, some more useful then others. They will also talk to you giving hints and tips .

Sneak and Interact to talk to the Survivors.




Shoot em' all!

Guns are a big part of staying alive in a Zombie Apocalypse. Hand Guns can be found in Structures more powerful guns will need to traded or gun in a Supply Crate.


Guns will only shoot if the player has the correct ammunition anywhere in their inventory. Each Gun requires their own ammunition which can be found or crafted.


Beretta M9, Damage per Bullet = 3

Sneak to activate a Red Dot Sight


Colt M1911, Damage per Bullet = 3

Sneak to activate a Red Dot Sight


Micro UZI, Damage per Bullet = 5

Sneak to activate a Red Dot Sight




SCAR MK16, Damage per Bullet = 6

Can Equip 4x Scope & 6x Scope


Heckler & Koch HK416, Damage per Bullet = 6

Can Equip 4x Scope & 6x Scope



Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947, Damage per Bullet = 7


Can Equip 4x Scope & 6x Scope


The Assult Rifles can be equipped with scopes,

To activate a Scope simply Sneak whilst holding the Gun.



Finding ammunition can get a little tedious, as finding more and more Structures can get harder.

Creating your own ammunition is the best way of making sure you never run out.


Anything to do with ammunition creation will be done on an Ammunition Bench.


You will need a few materials to create your own ammunition.


You will have to mining for all the ingredients for ammunition creation, Sulfur and Potassium Nitrate ore both generate in warm Biomes like the Desert, Savanna and Mesa at around 30 on the "Y" axis.


Potassium Nitrate



You will also need Melted Copper for the Bullet casing.



Craft the Potassium Nitrate, Sulfur and a little Charcoal together to create Gunpowder.

M9 Ammunition


M1911 Ammunition




Micro UZI Ammunition


MK16 Ammunition


HK416 Ammunition




AK47 Ammunition


Other Weapons!

Sentry Guns and Deadwave Emitters are a great way to keep your base safe without shooting through endless bullets.

You can find the pieces of the Sentry Gun in Structures, Craft them together to create a Sentry Gun.

Place a Sentry Gun down and load it with Sentry Gun Ammunition, the Sentry Gun will become active and shoot any Zombie it sees, keep an eye on the ammo inside the Gun as they will run out.


Interact with the Sentry Gun with a Breaking Tool to pick it up and move it.



Deadwave Emitters can be found in Structures, place it down and power it with a Battery and it will send out a sound that will despawn any Zombie with it sound radius.

Interact with the Deadwave Emitter with a Breaking Tool to pick it up and move it.




Grenades are also a massive help . There are four types of Grenade you can find when looting.

Grenade - Works like a normal Greande.

Flash Greande - Will slow down any entity within its radius.

Smoke Grenade - Will distract the Zombies away from you.


Toxic Gas Grenade - Will slowly poison any entity within it's radius



Body Armor!

Body Armor can be found in Structures or Traded!

Police Body Armor, Tactical Police Body Armor, Combat Police Body Armor and Enhanced Combat Police Body Armor


Head Gear!


Head Gear can be found in Structures or Traded!


Gas Mask is required to be able to breathe in the Nether.

Night Vision Goggles will allow you to see in the dark.

Scuba Goggles will allow you to breathe underwater.


Medical Gear!

You can find some Medical Items to help you survive the Apocalypse

Just use a Medical Item to active it's health benefit.

Steroids will give a 30 second Speed, Jump and strength boost, using steroids will deplete your thirst bar by 30%.

Bandages will give a 10 second high regeneration boost.

Penicillin will clear any poison effect you have been given by a Zombie, using Penicillin will deplete your thirst bar by 30%.

Eye Drops will clear any Blindness effect you have been given by a Zombie.


S.O.S. Campfires!

An S.O.S Campfire will allow you to signal for help using different coloured Smoke Logs.

Coloured Smoke Logs are rare and can only be found in Structures.


First you need to build yourself an S.O.S Campfire.


Place a Blue Smoke Log on the S.O.S Campfire to call for a Supply Drop.

The Smoke will last 20 seconds, then the Supply Drop will be seen falling.



Using  Breaking Tool you can interact to open the Supply Drop.

You will receive enough loot to keep you going for a while, plus this is the only way or obtaining an Assult Rifle.


Place a Green Smoke Log on the S.O.S Campfire to call for help from the Army.


The Smoke will last 20 seconds, then the Soldiers will show up.


The Soldiers will hunt down and kill any Zombie they come across, be warned if they take to much damage then you just have more Zombies to fight.


Razor Wire!

You can craft Razor Wire with a little Iron to protect your base from being over run by Zombies.

If you collect some blood from an animal or human corpse you can cover the Razor Wire with the blood to attact Zombies to them, killing them in the process.





You can trade some of your ammunition for a single Tobacco Plant Seed then the rest is up to you.

Once you have your seeds you can start building your Tobacco Farm.

Tobacco Plants will grow over time but you can speed up the process with Bone Meal.


When your Tobacco Plants are fully grown, break them to harvest the Tobacco Leaves and Seeds.


To get your Tobacco ready for trading you need to pack it correctly, to do this you need a Preperation Table.


Before packing the Tabacco Leaves in bags they need to be bundled together


When you have enough Bundles of Tobacco you can bag them up ready to trading.


Zombie Hearts!

Killing a Zombie is only the first step in surviving an Apocalypse, the next step is learning how to stop more Zombies from being created. This is where the CDCKP85 Zombie Vaccine comes into play.

The only way to create a Vaccine is to obtain a Zombie Heart and the only way to get a Zombie Heart.

When a Zombie is killed their rotting Corpses will lay on the ground fading away or get eaten by Rats & Crows, this is when you need to try your luck on finding a Zombie Heart. By using a Sharp Tool like a Sword (not wooden) or a Meat Cleaver you can strip the Zombie Corpse open and hope the Heart hasn't rotted  away yet.


Most of the time you will get Zombie Flesh which has it's uses but it's not a Heart!


When you are lucky enough to find a Zombie Heart you will have the first part of creating a Zombie Vaccine done.

Zombie Flesh has it uses, one of them is Fuel! Zombie Flesh is a good Fuel source. Not only that but if you cook Zombie Flesh the Dried Flesh is an even better Fuel Source.

The other use for Zombie Flesh is Zombie Flesh Chest Plates.


You can craft a Zombie Flesh Chest Plate using any normal Chest Plate, the better the material the more damage it can take. Getting in water with a Zombie Flesh Chest Plate will wash away the flesh and you will be left with a normal Chest Plate.



No Zombie will be able to sense you whilst wearing a Zombie Flesh Chest Plates except for Zombie Animals, they will still come after you no matter what Chest Plate you are wearing.



Your in the End Game now!


The main objective in this add-on is Vaccinating the Survivors to create a Community of Immune humans more commonly known as "Villagers". 

You may have noticed that Villagers can not be located in their normal dwellings, this is becuase they do not exist.

True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse is set before Villagers were a thing, they exist now only down to the actions you take whilst playing this add-on. By Vaccinating the Survivors in this time the offspring they produce are the Villagers you see today.

Vaccinating the survivors is no easy task, there are a number of things you will need to do, like traveling and trading.

By this point you should already have your Zombie Heart/Hearts now you need a few other things!

The Zombie Heart needs to be blended to get as much Blood from it as possible.

Place the Blender down and make sure the area is lit up as the Blender is Solar Powered and will only work in good light.

Place the Zombie Heart in the Blender to switch it on.

When the Blender has finished it's cycle interact again with an Empty Beaker to collect the Blood.




Interact with the Blender holding a Breaking Tool to pick it up and move it.

Seperate the Blood into 8 Vials ready for the next stage.

Next you need to find some Rose Bushes to extract there healing power.

 Add your Rose Extract to a Vial of Ethanol to create Rose Solution.



Mix the Vial of Zombie Blood and the Rose Extract Solution together to create a Zombie Vaccine but it will still need mixing.

Place the Vortex Mixer down and make sure the area is lit up as the Vortex Mixer is Solar Powered and will only work in good light.

Insert the Unmixed Vial of Zombie Vaccine into the Vortex Mixer and wait.



Interact with the Blender holding a Breaking Tool to pick it up and move it.


You have succesfully create a CDCKG85 Zombie Vaccine. Give yourself a pat on the back!


Making new Friends!

Before giving a Vaccine to a Human they will need to know you can protect them, when speaking to a Human they will indicate wether or not they will be happy to be part of your team, if they don't then you can not Vaccinate them.

You will need at least 100 Zombie Kills otherwise they will not really achknowledge you.


Even if you have 100 Zombie Kills they still can reject your offer.


If your lucky they will accept your invitation.

When they have accepted your Invitation you can Vaccinate them and open their Menu.


When you have any Male and Female in your base, leave them alone at night time and eventually they will breed,  you will know when a Female is pregnant as you will get a different response when talking to her.

A new Immune Baby will go through a few new stages of growing up before becoming a fully fledged Immune Villager. Once an adult you will be able to trade with them like you would a normal Villager.

Now you have the start of a community, just do that over and over until you have loads of Villagers.





The world is littered with abandoned Structure full of random Loot Chests, travel from Biome to Biome discovering new Structures and all the loot they contain. Here is a few of them.!

Check out the Discord for a full list of Structures.








Loot Blocks


Loot Blocks can be found in Structures, interact with them to see what is inside, different Loot Blocks contain different loot.


Backpacks wil contain Trade Items and Melee Weapons.


Food Boxes will contain Food and Drink.




Food Cupboards will contain Food and Drink.


Medical Boxes will contain Bandages, Eye Drops and Medicine.




Ammunition Box will contain Ammunition for your Guns.


Military Crates will contain Body Armor, Hand Guns, Grenades, Masks, Sentry Pieces and Deadwaves.


If you have any questions or queries try asking on the Discord Server.


No Experimental features are required to use this add-on

The Player.json is used in this add-on

Topic starter Posted : 16/07/2021 4:45 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2025 6:22 pm