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MCPE/Bedrock Warden Armor + Echo Tools and Staff Addon!《Compatible with Any Addon》‎‎‎

Illustrious Member Admin

Warden Armor + Echo Tools and Staff Addon!《Compatible with Any Addon》‎‎‎

🔹With new and exciting Warden loot, you can now craft Warden Armor that will help you see enemies through walls! A staff can also be crafted to demolish mobs!🔹

Some concepts were suggested byKaito3020!


This addon should becompatible with any other active addons
(Does not use player.json!)


Make sure to turn on "Holiday Creator Features"AND"Experimental Molang Features!"

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Here's a funny sketch I made to introduce the Warden Armor!
(Link to YT Video)


Please subscribe if you enjoy more cool features like this!


❗❗ New Enchantment Update: ❗❗

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage I

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage II

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage III

📙 Ability Damage Enchantment Rules! 📙

Ability Damage Enchantment Rules:


*The enchantment can only be enchanted on special weapons!*
(oxidized hammers, spears, daggers, whips, battleaxes, staffs, greatswords, maces, etc.)

*The enchantment books can be found in loot chests and villager trades!*
*The enchantmentcannotbe gotten from the enchantment table!*


Ability Damage Enchantment in Stronghold Library chest


Ability Damage Enchantment in Ancient City chest


Ability Damage Enchantment on Copper Hammer in Weapon Smith villager trade

Ability Damage Enchantment on Enchanted Book in Librarian villager trade


List of where you can find the enchantment:

1.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in abandoned mineshafts (enchanted book)

2.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in ancient cities (enchanted book)

3.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in desert pyramids (enchanted book)

4.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in jungle temples (enchanted book)

5.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in monster spawner rooms (enchanted book)

6.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in pillager outposts (enchanted book)

7.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in simple dungeons (enchanted book)

8.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold corridors (enchanted book)

9.   Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold crossings (enchanted book)

10. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold libraries (enchanted book)

11. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in big underwater ruins (enchanted book)

12. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in woodland mansions (enchanted book)

13. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in librarian villager trades (enchanted book)

14. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in weapon smith trades (on special weapons)

|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage I Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage I Enchantment):



Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant I): 8 ability damage (+1) 


|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage II Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage II Enchantment):



Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant II): 9 ability damage (+2) 


|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage III Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage III Enchantment):



Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant III): 10 ability damage (+3) 


📦 Minecraft Fortify Download! (XLiteMC) 📦



–– Preview of the Warden Armor ––

|---------- List of Items in this addon ----------|

List of Items:


1. Warden Helmet
2. Warden Chestplate
3. Warden Leggings 
4. Warden Boots

5.   Warden Staff
6.   Warden Staff (AD I)
7.   Warden Staff (AD II)
8.   Warden Staff (AD III)
9.   Warden Sword
10. Warden Pickaxe
11. Warden Axe
12. Warden Shovel
12. Warden Hoe





This addon includes:


🔵 Warden YT Video & Info! 🔵

Watch this video for more details about the Warden Armor and Echo Tools addon!
(Link to Video)


Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:




Enjoy the Warden armor & tools addon! 


|---------- New Warden Drops! ----------|

New Warden Drops:


*Looting does not affect quantity*


Warden Heart:100% drop rate, qty. 1



Warden Tendrils:100% drop rate, qty. 2

|---------- New Repairs! ----------|

Warden Armor & Echo Tool Repairs:


*AllWarden armor,Echo tools, and theEcho staffwill be repairable with theWarden Heart, Warden Tendrils,andEcho Shardswith an anvil*



Warden Heart:Repairs 100% durability



Echo Shards:Repairs 66% durability



Warden Tendrils:Repairs 33% durability



Same Item:Repairs 5% + other item's durability

|---------- Warden Armor Stats! ----------|

Warden Armor Stats:


**A full set of Warden armor is required to activate the Warden armor's special abilities**



 1. Applies the darkness effect for 10 seconds right after a full set of Warden Armor is equipped



2. Gain permanent Night Vision and Darkness & Blindness resistance



3. Gain a unique mob tracking ability: 


– mobs within a radius of 25 blocks are pinged by an echo for5 seconds. 

**Does not track players**

– The echo can be seen through walls!





Warden Helmet: 5 bars of protection, 495 durability when equipped
In comparison, Netherite Helmet has:3 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped



Warden Chestplate: 11 bars of protection, 720 durability when equipped
Netherite Chestplate:8 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped



Warden Leggings: 8 bars of protection, 675 durability when equipped
Netherite Leggings:6 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped



Warden Boots: 4 bars of protection, 585 durability when equipped
Netherite Boots:3 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped




**In case you were wondering, here's a graph comparing the Warden Armor protection dropoff to Diamond:**

|---------- Echo Weapons & Tools Stats! ----------|

Echo Tools Stats:


Echo Sword:8 damage, 3122 durability, 15 speed
Netherite Sword:8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed



Echo Pickaxe:6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Pickaxe:6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed



Echo Axe:7 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Axe:7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed



Echo Shovel:5 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Shovel:5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed



Echo Hoe:6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Hoe:6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed


|---------- Echo Staff Weapon Stats! ----------|

Echo Staff Stats:


Echo Staff:

3122 durability, Does not break any blocks


Normal hit (Left Click - Staff): 
0 damage (same as fist)


Cast (Right Click - Staff):
10 magic damage to mobs, 5 magic damage to players
uses 15 durability
0.64 second charge, 3 second duration, 10 second cooldown
Range of 10 blocks, the chance of hitting an enemy decreases the further away they are

Close ----------> Far

siphons XP from mobs that are hit

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:


Equipped Weapons: Echo Staff & Sword

Equipped Tools: Echo Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Echo Shovel & Hoe



Armor & Weapons 3D Models:


Equipped Warden Armor

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Sword)

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Staff and Echo Pickaxe)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:


Warden Helmet

Warden Chestplate

Warden Leggings

Warden Boots



Tools & Weapons Recipes:


Echo Staff

Echo Sword

Echo Pickaxe

Echo Axe

Echo Shovel

Echo Hoe



WeeweeJuice Addons Help / Tips:

❓ |------ Common Questions/Troubleshooter! ------| 

Q1. Why does the addon not work? 
 1.Have you downloaded and applied both the resource and behavior pack?
 2.Have you turned Holiday Creature Features and Molang Features on?
 3.Is your game in version 1.19.0+?
 4.Try using this function in the game:/function troubleshoot
 5.If nothing worked, submit a bug report here:Addon Troubleshooter

Q2. How do I get this addon to work with other addons (Ex. New Player Animation Addon)?
 1.Put my addons below other addons

Q3. How do I download a link from Linkvertise?
 1.Scroll down and click "Free Access With Ads"
 2.Scroll back up and press "Discover Interesting Articles
 3.Wait 5 seconds and press the "X" at the top right 
 4.*Some users might be prompted a download of a google extension 
 5.*Install the extension(don't open it!) 
 6.*Wait 30 seconds and press "X
 7.Continue to the download link!


Q4. How do I get the addon into Minecraft? (IOS)
 1.Download the Resource & Behavior packs individually
 2.Open up the “Files” app
 3.Move the Resource pack into: game → com.mojang → resource pack
 4.Move the Behavior pack into: game → com.mojang → behavior pack
 5.Open up Minecraft and it should work!

Q5. Why are my armors/weapons not working correctly?
 1.Use this function in the game:/function troubleshoot
 2.If the function did not fix the problem, try downloading the newest version of the addon
 3.If downloading the newest version did not fix the issue, submit a bug report here:Addon Troubleshooter

Q6. Can I download these packs separately?
 1.You can find separate addons on my  profile!

Q7. Do my friends need to download this addon from this page?
 1.No. Your friends will be prompted with a page to download the addon as they join your world

Q8. Should I download every new update?
 1.It depends
 2.You should download major updates such as v1 → v2 or v1.1 → v1.2. They will usually add new content
 3.Smaller updates such as v1.2 → v1.2.1 will usually only fix bugs. If you are encountering a bug, then you should try downloading the latest version to see if it is fixed.

Q9. What software do you use to make these addons? for 2D art
 2.Code Writer to read .json files (Free on Microsoft Store)
 3.Blockbench (for 3D art & animations)

Q10. Are you cool?
 1.I love refrigerators.
 2.Coolness is only a concept created by your impression of someone. If a cool person to you is someone who can be epic, then yes. 
 3.But can you really know if someone is, in fact, cool? First, we would need to figure out what it means to be cool. Most of us agree upon the definitions of basic adjectives that describe shapes, colors, and maybe even behavior. However, once we enter the realm of opinionated impressions, adjectives similar to “cool” become much trickier to define. After asking 30 strangers what cool means to them, I think it’s fair to say that being cool is comparable to being admirable, skilled, smooth, or kinda cracked. If you believe that someone may have any of the characteristics, then they reasonably can be labeled as cool. However, you may very well not believe any of these adjectives to describe someone cool. The problem with the usage of language is that every individual interprets the same word differently. One person might relate the word “cool” to admirable, but another might think it means something closer to “skilled.” So how would you know for certain that I am or am not cool? In order to answer that, we would need to know whether humans have free will. If our brains were wired to always believe in the former answer, (however unlikely that is), then yes, I would be cool. But how do we know for sure that othersdon’tthink the same as we do? Asking other people about their opinions would not work because their interpretation of their opinions might differ drastically from yours. And asking more questions would only make it less likely that you understand exactly what they are trying to tell you. Ultimately, with such a flimsy consensusof words, it is up to you to determine whether I am objectively cool or not.

📜 |------ Lore! ------|

Within the ancientTungar Cliffslies the remains of one of the largest forges ever created. The ancient builders once gathered here to buy, sell, and admire the strongest armor and tools the forge had to offer. Ran by the best blacksmiths in their world, there were no materials that couldn’t be found here. 

Copper armor and tools⁠
were mass produced during times of war because of their strength and relatively cheap cost. The ancient builders would leave full sets of copper equipment on armor stands, making them more protective with oxidation.

Amethyst armor and tools
were one of the hardest sets to produce. After many failed attempts at creating amethyst equipment, the ancient builders found a delicate balance between efficiency and durability. Although the armor and tools may be very brittle, their high efficiency and damage greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

Emerald armor and tools
were rarely used, mostly because of the importance of emeralds in the ancient economy. People wearing and using emerald equipment would do so to flaunt their wealth to their peers and usually had political influence. However, the commoners often found it arrogant and wasteful.

Phantom armor and tools 
were considered the pinnacle of technology during the reign of the ancient builders. The ability to be invisible when moving at walking speed changed the balance of power within the kingdoms of ancient builders. 

Glowing Obsidian armor and tools
were treasured for their appearance, as their glow easily attracted newcomers. Traders were always gathered around a Glowing Obsidian armor display when an auction was announced.  Of course, its ability to create light was also very beneficial to cave explorers and miners. Unfortunately, many overlooked the armor’s strength buff because of its captivating glow.

Warden armor and tools
were created using the magical abilities of the Warden's tendrils and heart. Anyone who dared to equip the Warden armor was instantly overwhelmed by its power. Once the person adjusted to their new senses, they could periodically sense mobs through walls and were immune to any type of blindness.

Gilded Netherite armor and tools
were the first to be created with an alloy. Netherite was one of the toughest natural elements that could be refined and crafted into armor and tools, but the blacksmiths of the forge tried to infuse it with the gilded blackstone from Nether Bastions. The result was astonishing, leading to armor with full knockback resistance and tools that seemed to never break.

Aetherite armor and tools
were used by early civilizations because they existed in the overworld. Aetheritte equipment was crucial in gaining an advantage on the battlefield. The greatswords were able to dominate the battlefield with their swift area attacks and the aetherite armor granted the wearer an immense amount of extra hearts. But the aetherite equipment was soon approaching extinction because of how rare and exhausting it was to try and find these precious aetherium ores.

📢 |------ Future Updates! ------|

**Ideas listed here may or may not be added to the actual addon**


Here is a chart for all of the armor and tools that are planned for release! 


✧ ✧ ✧

|–– Explanation of the Chart ––|


Circle= Passive –

Square= Defense –

Star= Agility –


– Normal armors (leather to diamond) –

– Special armors –

– Alloy armors (Netherite Tier and higher) –

✧ ✧ ✧


My next addon will probably be the right side (agility) of netherite!

📚 |------ Armor Tips & Info! ------|

Copper Armor
oxidizes if you or an armor stand is wearing or holding copper items. 

The armor is brittle but still has 23% more durability than iron
A full set of oxidized copper armor gives 16 bars of protection
It takes from 5 to 20 minutes (an average of 10.5 minutes) for copper items to oxidize one stage on a player
It takes from 5 to 40 minutes (an average of 20.5 minutes) for copper items to oxidize one stage on an armor stand
Only fully oxidized copper items can be enchanted
Mobs like zombies, skeletons, and zombie villagers can spawn with copper items

Amethyst Armor
does not have any special abilities as of right now.

The armor has 23% more durability than iron
A full set gives 18 bars of protection
The armor currently has -1 knockback protection in the code, so a future update might make you easier to knock back

Emerald Armor
does not have any special abilities as of right now.

The armor has 25% less durability than diamond armor
A full set gives 19 bars of protection

Phantom Armor
makes you fully invisible as long as you walk or crouch.

The armor has 50% less durability than diamond armor
A full set gives 10 bars of protection 
Invisibility is determined with a score system:
     *Walking and crouching will charge your invisibility score by 20 per second (max 200)
     *At a score of 50, you become invisible
     *The invisibility effect icon will warn you when you fall below a score of 100 
     *Moving at running speed would reduce your invisibility score by 60 per second
Mobs won’t attack you until you hit them when you are invisible
Items being held will not be invisible

Glowing Obsidian Armor
gives you and players around you strength.

The armor has 5% less durability than diamond armor
A full set gives 17 bars of protection 
The armor will give you and players within a 5 block radius of you strength 1 periodically:
    *1 mob = strength every 2.8 seconds
    *2 mobs = strength every 1.56 seconds
    *3 mobs = strength every 1.17 seconds
    *4 mobs = strength every 1 second
    *5+ mobs = permanent strength
Light emitted from the armor will shine for 15 blocks

Warden Armor
allows you to see hostile mobs through walls.

The armor has 21.6% more durability than netherite armor
A full set gives 28 bars of protection
Wearing a set of Warden armor would make you blind for 10 seconds 
Reveals hostile mobs in a 25-block range every 5 seconds (not players)

Gilded Netherite Armor
provides the wearer with 4 extra hit points (2 hearts) and full knockback resistance.

The armor has 21.6% more durability than netherite armor
A full set gives 32 bars of protection 
Wearing a set of Gilded Netherite Armor gives 2 extra hearts (using health boost)
Gives 100% knockback resistance (does not protect against whips)

Aetherite Armor
provides the wearer with regeneration and a max of 8 extra hit points with an overheal ability.

The armor has the same durability compared to netherite armor
A full set gives 23 bars of protection 
Wearing a set of Gilded Netherite Armor gives regeneration 1 
Gives you extra hearts when at full health for a few minutes (using absorption)
Gives nearby players and wolves in a 20-block range regeneration 1

📚 |------ Tools and Weapons Tips & Info! ------|

All of the Tools 
as of right now do not have any special abilities.

The Copper Hammer (weapon)
is a highly versatile tool that you can craft pretty early on since copper is so easy to find.

+Can fend off a large group of mobs with an area knockback of 4.5 blocks and decent damage
+Has a fast cooldown of 1.5 seconds
+Can be used to push a block down and destroy the block beneath it
+Will go through shields if the enemy is within 2 blocks of you
The knockback does not go through knockback resistance

The Amethyst Spear (weapon)
is specialized in fighting a line of enemies at a safe range.

+Long range and does 20 damage
+Certain mobs like skeletons, creepers, piglin brutes, will be much easier to deal with 
+Blocking an attack does not stop the attack for enemies behind
Des not knock enemies back
The spear will be blocked by a shield
Has a long cooldown of 3 seconds

The Emerald Dagger (weapon)
applies bleed damage (displayed as poison). It is best to use this weapon sparingly. After a successful stab, wait until the effect wears off to stab them again.

+A critical shank (2x dmg) can be achieved by moving your camera quickly towards and away from an enemy
+The bleed damage goes through armor protection
Bad against any type of regeneration

The Phantom Whip (weapon)
is specifically designed to be as defensive as possible. One very effective way to nullify a threat is to hit the enemy off a ledge. 

+Does 7 damage and knocks the enemy an entire 3 blocks away
+Knockback goes through knockback resistance
+Has a very fast cooldown of 1.04 seconds
Can only hit one enemy at a time

The Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe (weapon)
does the job of area damage even better than the hammer. 

+Cleaves in a wide cone and does 14 dmg in a 4.5 block range in front of you
+Knocks enemies up into the air for a brief moment
Has a very long cooldown of 5 seconds
Has a long charge of 1.8 seconds

The Echo Staff (weapon)
has the ability to hit mobs all around you and knock them back.

+Has a range of 10 blocks
+Fires a large number of sonic booms, protecting you against hordes of hostile mobs
+Targets mobs instead of firing randomly around you
+Each sonic boom does 10 damage
Has a super long cooldown of 10 seconds
Knocks enemies very far away

The Gilded Netherite Mace (weapon)
is able to smash away any armor quickly and stun enemies.

+Normal hit is able to stun enemies for 0.35 seconds (unable to move)
+Special attack is able to deal 50 durability damage against armor
+Special attack has a super fast cooldown of 0.5 seconds
Normal attack has a slow cooldown of 0.65 seconds
Normal attack will stun the user for 0.9 seconds if blocked


The Aetherite Greatsword (weapon)
is able to slash multiple enemies with rapid speed.

+Normal hit only has a 0.5 second cooldown
+Able to deal fast area damage to keep enemies away
Can only hit 4 enemies at max
Does not deal much damage & does not penetrate shields

🐞 |------ Known Bugs & Problems! ------|

**This list is ordered in importance**

: fixable by an addon update
: fixable by a Minecraft update
+: fixed problems/bugs

Zombies and skeletons cannot use the whip
Some WeeweeJuice addons are not compatible with the True Backpack addon
All armors made before Warden can be fully fixed with one item
Named Gilded Netherite items will burn in lava
Copper items cannot be waxed
Copper items cannot be scraped 
Armor wearing sounds are not broadcasted to other players
Some armor abilities do not work in creative
A full set of Gilded Netherite armor heals you to full when worn & removed


+ Glowing obsidian armor will not activate sculk blocks without making a noise
+ Hoes and shovels will now play sounds when being used
+ Items will duplicate upon death
+Riptide does not work
+Armor abilities don’t work in peaceful mode
+Slimes will only spawn as their smallest variant
+Player entities would not mount you when in peaceful mode
+Sculk sensors can sense players even when crouching
+Glowing Obsidian armor effect does not match with stats on  page
+Dying will remove gilded netherite health boost
+Axes can’t strip wood
+Axes can’t break Mangrove Roots
+Shovels can’t make grass path
+Shovels can’t break Mud Roots
+Hoes can’t create farmland

📝 |------ Changelog! ------|

v2 Warden Addon Changes:

  1. Added new enchantment – Ability Damage Enchant I, II, & III:
    • Enchantment can only be added to special weapons
    • Enchantment gives special attacks extra damage (sharpness for ability attacks)
    • Enchantment cannot be gotten from an enchantment table
    • Enchantment can also be found while fishing (enchanted books only)
    • Enchantment can be found in structure chests (looting tables) and in villager trades:
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in abandoned mineshafts (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in ancient cities (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in desert pyramids (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in jungle temples (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in monster spawner rooms (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in pillager outposts (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in simple dungeons (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold corridors (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold crossings (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold libraries (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in big underwater ruins (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in woodland mansions (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in librarian villager trades (enchanted book)
      • Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in weapon smith trades (on special weapons)
  2. Zombies can now spawn with warden armor and echo staffs below y=0
  3. Skeletons can now spawn with warden armor and echo staffs below y=0
  4. Tool Fixes:
    • Pickaxes can now mine dispensers
    • Pickaxes can now mine droppers
    • Pickaxes can now mine observers
    • Pickaxes can now mine activator rails
    • Pickaxes can now mine golden rails


v1.1 Warden Addon Changes:

  • Echo Staff Special attack animation has been improved
  • Zombies can now spawn with warden armor and warden staffs below y=0
  • Skeletons can now spawn with warden armor and warden staffs below y=0
  • Echo Staff changes:
    • Damage against mobs reduced from 10 >>> 7
    • Damage against players reduced from 5 >>> 3
    • Knockback strength reduced from 5 >>> 1.5
  • Tool Fixes:
    • Warden Axes can now strip wood
    • Warden Axes can now break Mangrove Roots
    • Warden Shovels can now make grass path
    • Warden Shovels can now break Mud Roots
    • Warden Hoes can now create farmland
    • Warden Pickaxes can now mine dispensers
    • Warden Pickaxes can now mine droppers
    • Warden Pickaxes can now mine observers
    • Warden Pickaxes can now mine activator rails
    • Warden Pickaxes can now mine golden rails
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed player_entity inconsistencies when dying
    • Mobs would no longer prioritize picking up items
    • Armor abilities now work in peaceful mode
    • Fixed texture swapping


Enjoy the addon! 


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📦 Minecraft Fortify Download! (XLiteMC) 📦


If you make a video on this addon, make sure to include a link toTHIS PAGEand that only!

(warden armor, echo tools, warden equipment, staff, echo staff, weeweejuice, weewee juice, wee wee juice, redstoneweewee, more tools, more armor, more equipment, copper, amethyst, gilded netherite, emerald, glowing obsidian, copper golem, warden, echo)



*Turn onHoliday Creator Features,Custom biomes,andMolang Features, and make sure you apply both the Behavior and Resource packs!*

*You must download both the RES and BHV packs in order to use the addon!*


Topic starter Posted : 22/05/2022 6:30 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 26/11/2023 6:33 pm