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MCPE/Bedrock Tweak++ 1.17+

Illustrious Member Admin

Tweak++ 1.17+

This addon adds many needed features such as: crouching under slabs to mimic java, and adding back removed crafting recipes including crafting saddles and enchanted golden apples! This addon can be placed inside your Minecraft world to enhance your Minecraft experience! 1.17+


Hello! Before I start talking about anything I want to say I made a awesome PATRON page! If you wanted access to all my content ad free, general support for any problems you may have with my content, and earlier then everyone else, then only for $5 or about 2 cups of coffee each month you could get access to those things! I would be extremely grateful if you supported my work as it gives me more motivation and shows that people care what what i do. I have also considered but not fully committed to making exclusive content for patrons. That idea is still in the works. Here is the link if you are interested in it.


Tweak++ adds cool new features and adds removed crafting recipes!


Players when sneaking can go under 1/2 smaller gap just like in java

Chainmail armor can now be crafted with chains

All horse armor can be crafted with their respected ores

Saddles can now be crafted

String can be crafted from wool

All crafting recipes:

Chainmail Helmet

Chainmail Chestplate

Chainmail Leggings

Chainmail Boots

Diamond Horse Armor

Golden Horse Armor

Iron Horse Armor


Enchanted Golden Apple



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Added my very awesome patreon page that you should totally support.


No special instructions needed! Just install this pack like any other!

Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2021 4:54 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 03/01/2022 10:10 am