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MCPE/Bedrock Unlucky Jumps! Everytime You Jump, Something Bad Happens! TNT Update!

Illustrious Member Admin

Unlucky Jumps! Everytime You Jump, Something Bad Happens! TNT Update!

Is your normal survival world boring you to death? Do you want a challenge? Try this addon! Everytime you jump, something bad happens! 4 possible gamemodes!

-Lightning Mode (Lightning would strike if you jump)

-Creeper Mode (Creepers would spawn if you jump)

-Wither Mode (You would be given the wither effect if you jump)

-TNT Mode (Lots of TNT will detonate if you jump)


The [Lightning Mode] was NOT MY IDEA. It is merely a adaptation of another person's idea. Credits to aammaraa.

The map aammaraa made was the basis of the Lightning gamemode. With that out of the way. Let's get to the mechanics!

As I said, everytime you jump something BAD would happen. You have 4 gamemodes to select from. 

How do you play?

Type "/function" and then select your gamemode.

"/function lightning" for Lightning Mode,

"/function creeper" for Creeper Mode,

"/function wither" for Wither Mode,

"/function tnt" for TNT Mode,

"/function reset" to reset the game and start over.


Creeper Mode

Lightning Mode

Wither Mode

TNT Mode

If YOU want to add more game modes, leave it in the comments of this page, YouTube or contact me on Discord

Social Media Links

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1. Do not republish this addon as your own or modify it's contents without my consent.


2. If you want to use this addon in other works including but not limited to videos and maps. Please give credit to the creator (me)


3. As said in rule 2 when giving credit. Please link to this page and not the direct mediafire link. Thanks.



-Added a new game mode
-Changed description text
-Added TNT Mode! Everytime you jump, TNT spawns in a cross shape.


For Linkvertise simply wait 10 seconds and tap the black download button. Tap the view articles button and just wait for another 10 seconds before closing the window, after that. You're all set!


1. This one is behaviour only. So just extract the folder and then put it into the behaviour folder of MC.

Topic starter Posted : 13/07/2021 10:50 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 03/09/2021 10:00 am