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MCPE/Bedrock Utility Vehicles Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Utility Vehicles Pack


I don’t wanna make this long, this addon is a collection of my previous utility vehicles that I’ve made, as well as new ones such as school buses, police cars and ambulances, with more to come in the future!


Addon details

This addon (as of now) has 5 vehicles, the list are as follows.

1. Ford F150 (Pickup Truck)

-Mediocre Speed

-Container slots

-4 seats

2. Ford E350 (School Bus)

-Reasonable speed

-9 seats (including driver)

3. Ford E350 (Ambulance)

-Medium-high speed

-Container slots

-4 seats

4. 10′ Camaro (Police)

-High speed (suitable for cop chases)

-Container slots

-4 seats

5. 10′ Camaro (Taxi)

-High speed

-Container slots

-4 seats

What to expect in future updates:

In the future, I will add more suitable utility vehicles. The list is below.

1. Fire Truck

2. Pizza Delivery/Police Motorcycle

3. Tow Truck

How to obtain

Method 1: Get their spawn eggs from the Creative Inventory. (They are categorized as spawn eggs).

Method 2: Use /summon commands:

/summon uv:ambulance

/summon uv:police

/summon uv:pickup

/summon uv:schoolbus

/summon uv:taxi


Twitter account: @ashminggu

Instagram account: @ashminggudev

Email account: [email protected]

Problem with AdFly?

Contact me through one of my socials listed above and I’ll gladly send a direct download link. No AdFly redirections!

This addon is exclusive for MCBedrock . Any other websites that distribute this addon without my approval are false and are an act of plagiarizing.




1. Download the pack from the link below.

2. You will be sent to the redirection page. Just wait 5 seconds and skip. (Note: You'll might be ask to allow some notifications, just deny all of them).

3. Wait for another 45 - 60 seconds at the "Please press 'Allow' to continue" page.

4. Download the file.

5. Once downloaded, click on the file and it will automatically open up Minecraft to start importing the files!

It is a .mcaddon file containing both Resource and Behavior pack.



Topic starter Posted : 02/08/2020 12:08 pm