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MCPE/Bedrock Valhalla: Friendly Skeletons

Illustrious Member Admin

Valhalla: Friendly Skeletons


Hey all, 

This mod was requested on my Polar Bears mod by a Guest. This is not the way I would personally do it, but it is what they requested. If you would like a more in-depth version or my version let me know in the comments. I will not be adding this to my realm so it’d be for you guys who want it.

Skeletons no longer burn in the sunlight.

Skeletons now attack all monsters except other skeletons.

Skeletons no longer attack the player.


All other functionality remains the same. 

Iron Golems and wolves will attack the skeletons. I can change this, but it will make this mod not compatible with my other mods. Let me know in the comments.


How I’d use this mod:

I’d find or make a texture pack that makes them look like a villager and make them guards.



Q: Will you be updating this?

A: No this was a request. I have no interest in updating or implementing more for my realm. That being said if you’d like different functionality like tame-able, leash-able, or breed-able let me know and I can add this to my to-do list. If i make them tame-able then wolves will still attack them so I i’d have to change the wolf script making it not compatible with my wolf mod that is waiting on approval.

Q: The guest requested this and you did it almost immediately, can i request and expect the same?

A: No this is crazy simple. He requested it and I just took a look and I was done.

Q: Can I post this on my website, republish, or use your code?

A: No. In case i update, change, or implement new features I’d like my work implemented everywhere my work is. No you cannot republish. Yes you can use my code no you cant republish it without my permission. Talk to me most likely will say its cool I just would like to know where my work is.


I use Linkvertise because of the current world situation. It's a simple website that supports me and my work. You'll have to watch a video(1:08), add a tool to chrome(then immediately delete it, right click the little circle at top right), look at some adds and just click the (X) at the top right wait then do again, or wait 10 secs. It'll be a combination of any of these. I want to thank you for downloading and supporting me!

creator: RonnieMcDee


Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2020 4:43 pm