Valhalla Guards by Ronnie McDee
Version: 1.0.0
With the amazing help testing and all the great ideas from my discord, this mod would not be what it is. I’m happy this mod has evolved from the original buggy mess of my first 5 versions and become something amazing!
Join my discord:
This mod adds 3 new mobs(Archers, Guards, and Mages) to the game that will naturally spawn in and protect villages.
Does Not Need Experimental Gameplay
Movement Modes
To change the movement mode interact with any of the Valhalla Guards Mobs while holding the listed item.
If a Valhalla Guard Mob is following you, you can use a paper, bell, clock, or campfire to “un-tame” them and set their movement mode.
◉Roam(Default): Paper
●The mob will roam around randomly. They should stay near a village, but do tend to wander off.
◉Garrison: Bell
●The mob will stay towards the center of the village. Will sometimes go towards the outskirts, but will always find their way back(if path is not blocked).
◉Patrol: Campfire
●The mob will stick to the outskirts of the village. Will patrol nicely on the outskirts and stay there, but can easily be outnumbered if alone.
◉Positioned: Clock
●The mob will not move, cannot be knocked back, and cannot be pushed.
◉Follow: Gold Nugget
●The mob will become tamed and will follow you.
◉Mount Horse(Archer and Guard only): Saddle
●The mob will path to a horse. The only way to demount is to kill them or the horse. They cannot mount a tamed horse. The horse will now do the path finding so the other movement modes will no longer work while mounted.
While holding a banner the Valhalla Guard Mob will follow you.
◉Any Banner
Targeting /Mob interactions
◉Should Attack:
◉Should Never Attack:
●Valhalla Guard Mobs
●Iron Golems
●Archers and Mages
Spawning and Transformations
Each Valhalla Guard Mob has a 10% chance to spawn instead of a villager.
Only nitwits and unemployed can transform into guards.
When transforming from a Valhalla Guard Mob to a Villager you will not be able to transform them again until they claim a job and become unemployed again.
To transform the mob interact with any of the Valhalla Guards Mobs while holding the listed item.
◉Transform to Archer: Bow
◉Transform to Guard: Stone Sword
◉Transform to Mage: Book
◉Transform to Villager: Bed
Equipment /Modes
Valhalla Guard Mobs each have different equipment available to them.
To change the equipment interact with any of the Valhalla Guards Mobs while holding the listed item.
Does not work with enchantments or effects unless otherwise stated.
◦Leather: Leather Helmet(20hp)
◦Chainmail: Chainmail Helmet(25hp)
◦Iron: Iron Helmet(30hp)
◦Diamond: Diamond Helmet(40hp)
◦Normal Arrow: Arrow
◦Poison Arrow: Any poison arrow
◦Leather: Leather Helmet(20hp)
◦Chainmail: Chainmail Helmet(25hp)
◦Iron: Iron Helmet(40hp)
◦Diamond: Diamond Helmet(50hp)
◦Stone: Stone Sword(3 damage)
◦Iron: Iron Sword(4 damage)
◦Diamond: Diamond Sword(5 damage)
◦Healer: Any regeneration potion
The healer cast a Regeneration 1 on friendly targets that lasts 40 seconds.
The healer can cast Weakness 1 on Zombie Villagers then cast the golden apple effect to cure them
◦Mage: Book
The mage casts 2 spells. A group of vines that crawl through the ground towards their target and a launch a bedrock block at their target.
◉Golden Apple:
●Absorption 2 for 300 seconds
●Regeneration 2 for 300 seconds
◉Golden Carrot:
●Absorption 1 for 150 seconds
●Regeneration 1 for 150 seconds
◉Pumpkin Pie:
●Heal: 2.5
◉Mushroom Stew:
●Heal: 2.5
◉Rabbit Stew:
Completely remade from scratch because of many bugs and disappointments.
I use linkvertise to support me and my mods. However, all of my Mediafire links are available in my discord.
creator: RonnieMcDee