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MCPE/Bedrock Valhalla: Leash-able and Tempt-able Villagers

New Member

Hey all,

This is my Leashable and Temptable Villager Mod for Minecraft Bedrock. This will work on realms and you don't need experimental gameplay.

Zip and MCpack links at bottom of page.


MCpack may not work because this is my first mod. I have added the zip as well, so extract then just throw it into your behavior folder 

Tempt items
-Job blocks -- Corresponding Job villagers.
  -Farmer -> Composter
  -Cleric -> Brewing stand
  -Weapon smith -> grindstone
  -Villager Professional -> Corresponding job blocks  
-Cake -- All villagers
-Dandelion -- Babies
-Beetroot -- Unemployed/Nitwit

Q:Do you need Experimental Gameplay on?
A:No, should also work on realms

Q:Will you keep updating this?
A:No unless Mojang updates the villager_v2.json.

Q:Does this work with other mods?
A:Yes, unless the mod changes the villager_v2.json.

Q:Is this mod complete?
A:Yes, this is a feature included in another mod I am making, but that other mod might not be for everyone. So I uploaded this separately.

Q:When I put a lead on a baby villager it floats above his head. Are you going to fix this?
A: No. I don't care that much and i won't have them tied up like that lady at the mall. If you want to fix it on your own go ahead, just send me the file after.

Q:Can I request you to customize this for me?
A: Sure, probably won't do it unless it's a really cool idea

Q:Is this really your mod? Why do you care? Can you prove it?
A:Yes, and it is a very simple mod. I do work and I want to be credited. Let me download your MC world and make a youtube video explaining how I  built everything. Yes I can:

mcpedl link:

PlanetMinercraft link:




Folder zip:

This topic was modified 5 years ago 7 times by RonnieMcDee
Topic starter Posted : 06/05/2020 2:32 pm