Everything ‘Modded’ ‘Cursed’ ‘Unobtainable’ You Could Ever Need (Add-on)
This add-on introduces a new block, mob, & many recipes. The block can be used as a crafting tables to craft the unobtainable block such as the cakes with candles & unlit lava cauldrons. The mob like in previous versions of this add-on drops a range of unobtainable blocks like glowing obsidian, smooth stone brick & the blue rose. Recipes that have been added are to the crafting tables, stonecutter, brewing stand & furnace. Various functions have also been added to show some states of other blocks & mobs.
The main new feature of this add-on is using the stonecutter to get all of the unobtainable blocks. This is done by placing bedrock in the stonecutter this is to stop you getting the modded blocks in survival. Having this feature also allows for easier use as you can now just pick the block you want without having to kill a mob for it.

Like in older versions of this add-on the Everything You May Need little cube mob is still there, but now it is new & improved. The mob now only drops a selection of the unobtainable blocks & items so it is not to crash the game with there being 18 different signs, 32 cauldrons & 16 light blocks let alone the other blocks too, this also means the mob no longer fills your inventory if u collect every item it drops. The mob also still has it inventory space for whenever it is necessary.
The new block that is added is has two many functions, it has the ability to be used as a crafting table to craft the unobtainable blocks not found in the stonecutter, the second function of Ehh block is that once broken, in survival, spawns a 3x3x4 structure with shucker boxes which are organised so you can find what you are locking for more easily & this doesn't require the mob so makes less mess.
Missing recipes have also been added to this add-on such as the ability to craft grass, farmland & path blocks. This also includes the ability to craft the cakes with candles by using standard cakes & placing the candle of choice above the cake in the crafting table. Cauldrons & lava cauldrons can also be crafted this way placing a cauldron with either flowing water or lava to create either a filled cauldron to lava cauldron, these recipes create the cauldron by gradually filling them as there are 8 stages of either cauldron. The different states of a cauldron are water cauldron, unlit lava cauldron (technically a standard cauldron), lit watery cauldron (technically a lava cauldron), & a standard lava cauldron. Smooth & chilled Purpur are also added to the furnace & stonecutter respectively using the Purpur block and using the smooth stone block in the stonecutter allows you to create smooth stone bricks & smooth stone brick slabs.

The functions in this add-on allow you to see all the various cauldrons using the cauldron_stages function & the different block states of cactus & sugar canes using the cactusplusreeds function. To see all the unsummonable entities you can use the unsummonable function however most of these mobs either explode or disappear hence why they should be unsummonable. The good_effects function give you all the good potion effects, such as swiftness, strength & night vision, at max strength & forever.
creator: LogisticChaff54
Completely overhauled with new mobs/blocks/recipe. Its been long needed.
Click download, & download the addon.