Vanilla Currency
This addon adds a simple and easy to understand form of currency which doesn’t impact the vanilla experience. I created this mod as a way to stabilize the economy in my personal server, and I hope it can do the same for others.
This item is used as a mould for the base coin (copper) as all other coins are an added coating.

Copper Coin
As the base coin, all other coins are coated on. If smaller denominations are needed you can craft the coin into Copper Pennies.

Iron Coin
Another denomination, this coin is worth 10 Copper Coins, and is crafted by coating a Copper Coin with iron ingots.

Amethyst Coin
This coin is worth 10 Iron Coins, and is crafted by coating an iron coin in amethyst shards.

Diamond Coin
The most valuable coin, worth 10 Amethyst Coins and 1,000 Copper Coins.

Make sure to have all experiments enabled!