VanillaX (V1)
“Normal is a threat, the difference is that it unites this world”. VanillaX is an add-on that brings new items and features to your Minecraft. VanillaX shows you that the difference in your game is essential. So, come with me on this journey!
VanillaX is an add-on that I created with a lot of affection for Minecraft players. An add-on that doesn’t revolve around ABSURD ITEMS or GIANT MOBS, but around simplicity, but in a fun and addictive way.
There are 6 items and several features added (SPOILER: you can duplicate ores) to your game.
New recipes have also been added that do not currently exist in the game, for example:
Enchanted Golden Apple
Totem of Undying
Horse Armor (Leather, Iron, Gold and Diamond)
To download the Add-on, click on the link written: “Add-on Download“, that besides downloading the Add-on, it will also take you to the your documentation, and will also make me very happy 🙂
Copyright © 2021 Suzukii
- Correction in the description and documentation of this Add-on. Any questions, comment! 🙂
- This is the first version of the Add-on, if you find a bug, or if you have any suggestions for the add-on. Feel free to write in the comments 🙂
- If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
- Don't use your own link, use the proper link on MCBEDROCK
creator: Suzukii