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MCPE/Bedrock Vein Miner / Tree Capitator + Hammers

Illustrious Member Admin

Vein Miner / Tree Capitator + Hammers

Vein Miner / Tree Capitator + Hammers

 [Vein Miner / Tree Capitator] Chop down entire trees and mine full ore pockets by crouching

[Hammers] Hammers mine in a 3x3, and are available in survival via recipes, as well as registers to the creative menu.


[ Tree Capitator ] Crouching with an axe [stone/gold/iron/diamond/netherite] will chop down entire trees. using an axe without crouching will break wood normally.



[ Vein Miner ] Crouching with a pickaxe [stone/gold/iron/diamond/netherite] pickaxe will mine ores that are within a small radius or touching. using a pickaxe without crouching will mine normally.



[ Hammers ] Hammers mine a 3x3, you can make the hammers using the crafting table.

Or using the command /give @s addon:[type]_hammer




This addon uses player.json 

 it must be above other active addons.


Using this addon can cause lag on low-end devices when mining or chopping trees.


This addon has been tested on Windows 10 and Android and is multiplayer compatible.


  • fixed leaf decay when chopping trees
  • fixed golden hammer
  • fixed description


1. Click Download Link

2. Complete Linkvertise To Get To MediaFire

3. Download .Mcaddon File

4. Click .Mcaddon File, Minecraft Will Open Automatically And Import The Addon.

creator: NatB7358

Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2021 5:42 pm