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MCPE/Bedrock Vein-miner treecapitator combination

Illustrious Member Admin

Vein-miner treecapitator combination

Vein Miner & TreeCapitator Mod is a convenient Minecraft modification that simplifies the process of mining veins of ores or chopping down trees and similar blocks by enabling a chain reaction when mining the same type of block. This mod draws inspiration from a popular Minecraft Java Mod. To activate the Veinminer function, players are required to sneak in-game. This allows for efficient collection of multiple blocks in one go

vein miner ability is the crouch key. with any item in your hand you can break ex. dirt, wood, sand, etc. will not require you to have a tool in hand (unless required by the block), we also have a option slider for you to decide if you want vein miner, tree capitator or both at your choosing 




-Added details to description needed for post to be post my nose

creator: Joes mods
Topic starter Posted : 20/06/2023 9:47 pm