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MCPE/Bedrock Velociraptor Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Velociraptor Add-on

Fun little beasts that love chasing you around! And eating you! Your boring stroll through the Plains biome will no longer be boring! Or a stroll! Excitement followed by panic followed by the need to respawn/rage quit.

These nasty critters can’t take much damage but they’re fast! You’ll also usually find them in packs and they’ll hunt you from afar. And find you, don’t worry.

Every now and then they’ll spawn with a Commando Archer on their backs.* This is a questionable idea to stop the player from being able to stack up to avoid the ‘raptors. You’ll just have to fight it out!

* NOTE: It hasn’t been confirmed by palaeontologists (or anyone actually) that Commando Archers co-existed with dinosaurs, or even existed at all, but it would be real convenient if they did!

Keep an eye out for pterodactyls. Coming soon to an mcpedl near you!

Our Youtube channel here!

To the Jurassic youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* on McBedrock. Cheers!


Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2020 10:42 am