Villager Knight Addon [Bug Fixed]
Did you feel helpless when your village get raid by illagers?
Did you feel alone when your explore outside world?
[English:] Train villager to a true KNIGHT ! Order him to protect village. Or follow you to begain a new adventure!
[Chinese:] 训练一位村民成为真正的骑士!令他保卫村庄,又或者让他随你驰骋沙场!
Made by ©qiyunjian Twitter

Fixed Bugs 已修复的错误

- [English:] Cancled the Hostile System for the stability and better experience. But villager defender will still protect villagers if you attack them.
- [Chinese:] 出于稳定性和更好的体验取消了仇恨系统。只要你不主动攻击村民,那些留在村庄里的村民守护者骑士是不会攻击你的。
- [English:] Fixed the bug of dying animation missing.
- [Chinese:] 修复了死亡动画丢失的bug。

- [English:]Fixed a mistake which will cause village defenders never stop attacking and mercenaries. Now once they get provoke by player they will cooldown in 10 seconds for player deciding keep attack or not.
- [Chinese:] 修复了村庄保护者不停攻击玩家的错误,现在他们被激怒后十秒后会尝试放弃继续追击。
- [English:]Fixed the bug of Instantly Die When Stepping On Magma Block & Cactus block
- [Chinese:] 修复了站在仙人掌块和岩浆块上立即死亡的错误

- [English:]Fixed the bug of Unexpectable teleport when knights fall down and turn to sit state.
- [Chinese:] 修复了死亡时或进入推出退出时随机传送的错误
- [English:]Fixed the bug of Attack Animation Missing when knight is Pushing by enemies.
- [Chinese:] 修复了被敌人推搡时的攻击动画丢失

- [English:]Now Villager Knight (VillageDefender) will not automatically attack Creeper. Their automatically attack range has been adjusted to 32.
- [Chinese:] 现在骑士不再会主动攻击苦力怕了,并且主动攻击距离调整至32.

- [English:] decreased the probability of random strolling and exploring village outskirts. Know they will not keep running everywhere.
- [Chinese:]减少骑士随机闲逛和在村庄周边巡逻的概率,现在他们不会再不停的走来走去。

Before You Play 用前须知
[English:] WARNING: This addon edited vanilla entity villager's behaviour by adding an new interaction with most villagers. I didn't delete anything of villager's behaviour. However, it still might conflict with some villager-function-involved Addon. Or it might cover villager's new feature in future game update . Therefore, it is suggested that setting a higher priority above other villager-function-involved addon at the first time installation.▼
[Chinese:] 警告:本Addon编辑了原生村民的行为,仅新增了一项与大多数村民有关的交互,除此之外,并未删减修改原有的行为。但这仍可能与您已经安装过的 涉及修改村民行为的 addon 相冲突,亦或者覆盖掉未来可能版本更新中对村民增加的新特性。因此初次安装时建议将该addon的行为包优先级提高至其他村民addon之上。▼
Mob Introduction 生物简介
- [English:] Villager Knight is an utility mob that defends villages.
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士是一个能够保护村庄的功能性生物。
- [English:] With 100 (❤× 50) life and 9 (❤×4.5) attack, villager knight wear iron set armor(15◈Armor). He will be a powerfull warrior on the ground.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士身着铁套装,拥有15点护甲,100点生命值(❤× 50),以及9点攻击力 (❤×4.5)。他将是陆地上一名强大的战士。▼

- [English:] Knight villager has 3 random animations of attack: Chop, Stab, Heavy Chop.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士有3种随机的攻击动画:砍,刺,重砍▼

- [English:] Knight villager will automaticlly attack all monsters except phantom & creeper in 64 range.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士会主动攻击64格内除幻翼外的所有怪兽生物。▼

- [English:] Knight villager can be trained from villager, And he can be tamed as a mercenary. After he fall down, he will be temporary invulnerable,he can be resurrected✝ by player in 90 seconds with Totem of Undying, Or he will disappear forever.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士可由村民训练而来,并且可以被招募作为雇佣兵,当骑士倒下后,他将暂时无敌,玩家可以在90秒内使用不死图腾将他复活✝,否则90秒后他将会永远消失。▼

- [English:] Knight villagers can randomly graze for healing themself, They can choose 6 knids of block to eat. They will get healed for 6 health (❤× 3) every time they finish eatting.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士会随机触发吃草来恢复生命,他们有6种方块的选择来食用,并会在完成进食后恢复6点生命值 (❤× 3)。▼

Attention: Mob Griefing has to be tuned on to achieve block breaking,▲
How to Spawn or Train 如何生成及训练
- [English:] In Creative Mode, You can simply find the spawn egg at the bottom of Nature catalog.
- [Chinese:] 在创造模式中,您可以在自然一栏的底部直接找到生物蛋。

- [English:] In Survive Mode, You can interact with a normal villager(EXCEPT for Nitwit) to train as a knight.▼
- [Chinese:] 在生存模式中,您可以与正常村民互动(傻子村民除外)来训练他成为一名骑士。▼

- [English:] Before you interact with villagers,you need give them any strength effect by strength splash potion, It will be more efficient and economical if you effect more villagers with once potion use. Then you need to SNEAK and hold the Netherite Sword to interact with villager. (Attention: This will consume your sword !)He will take that sword and transform to a knight in 4 seconds.▼
- [Chinese:] 在你与村民交互前,你需要通过力量喷溅药水给予他们任意一种力量状态。如果仅使用一瓶药水喷溅多个目标就可以更加高效节约。接下来你需要在潜行状态下手握下界合金剑与村民交互(注意:这会消耗掉你的剑)。他会接收你的剑并在4秒内转换成为骑士。▼

Mercenary System 佣兵系统
- [English:] After an knight is trained successfully, you can hire him as a Mercenary just like wolf taming.▼
- [Chinese:] 当成功训练他成为骑士后,你可以像驯服狼一样雇佣他成为佣兵。▼

Consume a Block of Emerald to tame knight as your Mercenary ▲
- [English:] Once a knight become a Mercenary. He will attack his owner's target. And he will always follow you and keep 11-6 blocks with you. AI:"Follow Owner" has a really high priority, You can lead your Mercenaries go forward or escape away whenever you want.
- [Chinese:] 一旦骑士成为你的佣兵,他就会跟随攻击你的目标。并且他将永远跟随着你并始终与你保持11-6 格的距离。“跟随主人”的属性有很高的优先级。你可以带领着你的佣兵们随时进攻或是从战场撤退。
- [English:] If you don't want your Mercenary to follow, you can interact with him to give the order of restting, interact again to restore the following state. In the restting state, Villager Knight will fall asleep and slowly get healed (0.5×❤/1 second) until he is woke by player.(Attention: Knight will never attack anyone during the restting state)▼
- [Chinese:] 如果你不希望你的佣兵跟随你,你可以与他交互令他原地休息,再次交互就可以恢复跟随状态。在休息状态中,骑士会睡着并缓慢恢复生命 (0.5×❤/1 秒) 直到被玩家唤醒。(注意:骑士在休息状态中无法发起任何攻击)▼

- [English:] Upgrade Mercenary's weapon by 2 methods: Enchant their weapon by ¹Flint and Steel or ²dragon breath ▼
- [Chinese:] 2种升级佣兵武器的方法:用¹打火石附魔他们的武器, 或用²龙息附魔。▼

Use Flint and Steel enchant one by one, Or Consume dragon breath enchant them all .▲
Health & Damage Indicator 血量及受伤显示插件
- [English:] The locator part of ☛Damage Indicator Addon☚ by ☛Coptaine☚ has been pluged-in Villager Knight addon, you can turn on this function by download and install the addon ☝ above.▼
- [Chinese:] 村民骑士Addon已将☛生命血条及伤害显示addon☚(作者:☛Coptaine☚) 中的关键定位器插入,你只需要下载并安装该作者的Addon,即可打开该功能。▼

- [English:] Cancled the Hostile System for the stability and better experience. But villager defender will still protect villagers if you attack them.
- [Chinese:] 出于稳定性和更好的体验取消了仇恨系统。只要你不主动攻击村民,那些留在村庄里的村民守护者骑士是不会攻击你的。
- [English:] Fixed the bug of dying animation missing.
- [Chinese:] 修复了死亡动画丢失的bug。
- If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
- Don't use your own link, use the proper link
- Some unkown problem may happen in Realm, may CRASH your world !!!! That is the feature of realm which I can't fix anyway.