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Wands AddOn
This AddOn adds wands to minecraft! each of the wands have their own respective abilities ( except wooden and stone wand ) It currently has 6 wands which is Wooden, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, and Netherite wand and more to come!
Wooden Wand
4 Ranged Damage
2 Second Cooldown

Stone Wand
5 Damage
2 Second Cooldown

Gold Wand
6 Damage
5 Second Cooldown
Teleports you to the location the projectile landed

Iron Wand
8 Damage
3 Second Cooldown
Summons an evocation fang

Diamond Wand
7 Damage
4 Second Cooldown
Summons a lightning bolt

Netherite Wand
12 Damage
10 Second Cooldown
Explodes with a 1 second delay on the location it landed

Please comment down below if you found any bugs or want a specific wand to be added 😀
Turn These On Or Else The AddOn Will Not Work:

Topic starter Posted : 25/07/2022 11:36 am