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MCPE/Bedrock Warden Armor [BETA] Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Warden Armor [BETA] Add-on

With this add-on adds a warden mob armor, which adds a better armor that lasts longer and a sword that does damage similar to the warden. This is a concept if armor like this was added to the game and because the Warden and the new caves are not yet added in the latest betas an alternative option was added to get it.

Creator: ArathNido, (Twitter)(Youtube).


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In 1.19 the Warden can shed his skin and horns in order to make his sword and armor.

To make the Warden armor and the Warden's sword you need to use this recipe:

The add-on includes sculk cows, which will provide you with sculk meat and skin to create your armor. You will be able to use the scissors to cut the sculk's tales even though they will turn him into a normal cow.

The armor fully protects as if it were diamond or netherite armor, only it lasts longer and has thrust resistance.

The sword does 31 damage, lasts longer and can be enchanted.

Spider Sculk:

The add-on also adds Spider Sculk so these mobs will drop eye spider sculk, warden skin and there is a small chance that they will drop warden horn. You will be able to make a Sculk Apple using this recipe (One apple, six spider sculk eye and two warden horn:

Sculk's apple will give you regeneration effect level 6, resistance, fire resistance and absorption for 6 seconds.

The spider sculk will only appear in a few jungle biomes.

If you consume a sculk spider eye it will grant you darkness for 30 seconds.  

  • If you have version 1.19 the Warden will now drop their skin and horns.
  • Added shine to the armor.
  • Consuming a sculk spider eye will give you darkness effect.


  1. Download Resources .McPack.
  2. Download Behaviors .McPack.
  3. Apply the packs for a world.
  4. Enable "Experimental Gameplay" in the world settings
  5. Create the world.


Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2021 3:24 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 03/05/2022 5:30 pm