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Ever wanted to go 10000 blocks away from your home and be able to teleport there in 0.001 seconds? Well this pack is for you! Its easy to use, using 1 command block and 3 functions! Warp, setwarp, and warp-on!
This pack has a few features
Enable Warp Addon
- Enables the warp addon
- To enable the warp addon, place down a repeating always active command block, and type function warp-on in the command block
- Sets your warp, this is where you will be teleported when you warp
- You can identify a warp by an iron block, and an end portal particle on top
- To set your warp, type /function setwarp
- Teleports you to your warp
- To teleport to your warp, type /function warp
- To enable addon, place down a repeating always active command block and type function warp-on inside the command block
- To set your warp, type /function setwarp in chat
- To teleport/warp to your warp, type /function warp in chat
Enjoy the addon!
- Press download link
- Press continue
- Press blue square
- Press minecraft
- Press settings
- Go to storage > resource packs
- Delete "WarpAddon"
- Go back to main menu
- Press play
- Apply addon to a world, and enjoy!
Topic starter Posted : 27/02/2021 12:31 pm