Weapon Pedestal Addon
This addon was built to for people who want to show their weapons and tools to friends. These Pedestals should be used as decorative blocks only! Works for survival but not with enchanted gear and durability.
Here is how to use this addon!
NOTE: If your doing a review you are allowed only to post this addon page link don't hurt me with direct links to mediafire! HAVE RESPECT FOR WHAT I DO!!!
NOTE: You are not allowed to publish this on other websites or applications without my permission.
NOTE: You can’t steal the code or textures in any way!!! Only if we talk about this on twitter @sori662_pop or in the comments down below!!!
NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!

The pedestals are crafted like this.

How to place items on it
Very easy by interacting with your sword, pickaxe, axe, hoe, shovel just right click for windows devices or tap on the pedestal for mobile devices.
Warning don't use enchanted gear if you play on survival cuz you will lose the enchant also the durability will reset!!!
only emerald , redstone tools support for now sadly other tools may never come because of the bedrock block limitations!

Hope you like it!
Block code was made by
Twitter: Ihategravel @ihategravel2
Thank you for the new and improved code!
Update v2.2 (final update maybe just support for future versions of minecraft)
Support for minecraft 1.18
updated recipes images in the page
updated experimental requirements image in the page
Download both the resource pack and behaviour pack and click on them to start the installation process then enable experimental gameplay in world options.