Weaponry Addon [1.16+]
Have you ever felt there wasn’t enough swords in Minecraft for use? Or your a bit bored in your survival world as you have every considerably good weapon in Minecraft? Or your a person who likes to try out new addons for your Minecraft world?
Well, you’ve come to the right place!
This addon introduces 17 NEW swords some with unique abilities, and some made for fun or for simply to collect, each with their own custom recipes. This addon is perfect to add more variety to your survival world, or you can use it for pvp purposes and have fun!
Have any ideas for swords? Feel free to showcase your ideas in the comments and I may pick your idea, who knows?
Here are the swords located in the addon!
-Creeper Sword
-Lapis Sword
-Redstone Sword
-Coal Sword
-Dirt Sword
-Diversity (Health Boost Ability)
-Hell Sword
-Demon Sword (Fire Resistance Ability)
-Invisible Sword (Invisibility Ability)
These are invisible fragments, these are used in the invisible sword recipe!
-Slime Sword (Jump Boost Ability)
-Sword Of Darkness (Night Vision Ability)
-Giant Staff (Become A Giant With Increased Health And Size!)
-Shulker Staff (Allows you to fly up in the air)
-Wither Scythe (Knockback Resistance Ability)
-Sword Of Light (Increased Speed, Like a LOT)
-Moon Sword
-Natures Gift (Natures Retaliation Ability Which Gives Regeneration, And Does a TON Of Damage)
This recipe is a shapeless recipe, meaning that it does not matter where the items go in the recipe.
-Excalibur (The Strongest Sword in the Addon and Introduces Hero’s Might Ability Which Gives Resistance)
This item is known as Golden Essence, this is needed in the Excalibur recipe, this recipe is also a shapeless recipe meaning that it doesn’t matter where the items go in the crafting grid.
Want to give your self a sword in creative mode? Simply do this command!
/give @p mta:
Please report any bugs in this addon, also if you feel as if a sword is too weak or too strong, please report it in the comments and I may balance it out! Thanks, and enjoy! 🙂
-Removed world download link and included recipes in the addon instead.
-Balanced some weapons.
Please download the Resource Pack and the Behavior Pack of the addon!