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MCPE/Bedrock Weird Creatures Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Weird Creatures Addon

Tired of regular animals and enemies? Well, this is a mod I created on a whim because I was thinking about what creatures that are weird.... this mod includes some weird creatures such as


Three-Headed Villager

Super Zombie

Butt Chicken( chicken with itit'head as it's butt)

Green Witch

Two-headed Villager Baby

And super zombies hate the two-headed villagers.

Super Zombie chasing the mutant villager baby

And adult Three-Headed Villagers protect them

They are all breedable except two-headed villagers and green witches only green witches are tameable and two-headed villagers have no interaction also butt chickens are tameable.

Three-Headed Villager. Beef and Potato

Super Zombie. Bread

Green Witch. Potato

Butt Chicken. Beetroot Seeds

Three-Headed Villager with their baby 


Just click the mcaddon file and will be automatically installed 

creator: Nazo

Topic starter Posted : 09/03/2022 12:04 pm