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MCPE/Bedrock Wheat Golems (1.16.100+) (Dummy Creeper Coming Soon)

Illustrious Member Admin

Wheat Golems (1.16.100+) (Dummy Creeper Coming Soon)


This Add-on will bring a new type of Golem, the Wheat Golems, golems made from wheat, which come to life to serve your master

(This Add-on requires all experimental gameplay options, with the exception of custom biomes)



This Add-on adds 1 new creature and 2 new items!

(More things will be added in the future)


Wheat Soldiers

The most common types of Wheat Golems are humanoid and weak, but they can become strong in groups

Life: 15 (7.5 Hearts)

Damage: 1.5 (There is no representation in hearts)

Spawning a Wheat Soldier:

Wheat Soldier attacking a Zombie:

Wheat Soldier spawn item:

Item used to bring it to life:

Coming soon:

Dummy Creeper


This is my first Add-on and it is still in the testing phase

You cannot share it and say it is yours or use another link to share it other than the link on his McBedrock page

You cannot modify it

(This Add-on requires all experimental gameplay options, with the exception of custom biomes)


Thumb Changed (Dummy Creeper spoiler in thumb)

Updated description (DUMMY CREEPER COMING SOON)


creator: Sk1


Topic starter Posted : 23/11/2020 6:26 pm