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MCPE/Bedrock Wolf Armor

Illustrious Member Admin

Wolf Armor

The java mods are able to implement armor for animals, so there could be an adaptation to bedrock. Of course, this addon adds only a diamond one, the design is great, it also has the same protection as the common diamond, which other add-ons do not add.


Due to some failures, the texture of the wolf is the same when it is tamed and when it is wild.

To make what it takes to make the armor is
DIAMOND and you must transform it into another new material diamond nuggets. They craft in a stone cutter.
To make the armor you need 6 diamond nuggets
To put the armor you must mount the wolf, to mount it it must be tamed. When this tame will appear a button (assemble to put or remove armor). Then you open the inventory and place the armor in the saddle-shaped space.
-To sit and lift the wolf you just have to be crouched.
-The wolf removed his collar due to failures and you can no longer dye it
-In the next update of this addon new armor will be added and armor may also be placed on ocelots and perhaps creeds

-In the next update of this addon new armor will be added and armor may also be placed on ocelots and perhaps creeds



Click to download



Topic starter Posted : 22/01/2020 2:15 pm