Wolf Armor (NETHERITE)
This addon incorporates an armor for your wolf from the new netherite material, totally craftable.
Don’t try to combine this addon with my other version of wolf armor.
I hope you understand the limitations of bedrock.
The armor is crafted on a crafting table, with iron ingots and a netherite ingot. (Let’s say it’s an alloy)
To put it on the wolf, it must be tamed; You will see a button that says “mount”. When you are mounted on it, open your inventory and place the armor in the slot
This armor protects it from lava and fire, in addition to giving it more resistance to damage
-Do not join it in the same world with the armor for wolves as mistakes will occur
-To sit the wolf, just bend down and the button will appear
-You must have game version 1.16 for it to work properly.
-No lo juntes en un mismo mundo con el de armadura para lobos ya que ocurriran errores
-Para sentar al lobo solo agachate y te aparecera el boton
-Debes tener la version del juego 1.16 para que te funcione correctamente.
Click to download
creator: https://mobile.twitter.com/Juaneitor11