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MCPE/Bedrock Wood Cutters Delight

Illustrious Member Admin

Wood Cutters Delight

Hey guys ive made another addon, This ones a little different to my usual addons, but I think and hope you will like it. I have made Hollow Logs that are craftable using the default logs.



Heres An Image Of All The Hollow Logs In Game

Here Are Some Crating Recipes


Acacia Logs To Hollow Acacia Logs

Putting 8 Acacia Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Acacia Logs

Birch Logs To Hollow Birch Logs

Putting 8 Birch Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Birch Logs

Crimson Stem To Hollow Crimson Stem Logs

Putting 8 Crimson Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Crimson Logs

Dark Oak Logs To Hollow Dark Oak Logs

Putting 8 Dark Oak Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Dark Oak Logs

Jungle Logs To Hollow Jungle Logs

Putting 8 Jungle Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Jungle Logs

Oak Logs To Hollow Oak Logs

Putting 8 Oak Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Oak Logs

 Spruce Logs To Hollow Spruce Logs

Putting 8 Spruce Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Spruce Logs

Warped Stem Logs To Hollow Warped Stem Logs

Putting 8 Warped Stem Logs In The Crafting Table Like So Will Give You 8 Hollow Warped Stem Logs

Other Information

Be Sure To Keep A Lookout On My Addon Page

As ill be bringing out expansions for this addon please keep an eye open for my extra expansions.

These will include more logs, more shapes, and even a new crafting block. 

  • Added A New Feature Image
  • Edited & Uploaded YouTube Video


Just Download My Pack. Once Complete. Right Click The Woodcutters Delight Addon -> Open With -> Minecraft


Linkvertise Tutorial

Just a quick video showing that the linkvertise downloads are safe and how to complete the steps


Topic starter Posted : 12/04/2022 4:19 pm