World Stars
This addon adds 8 new items that will make your late game better. But in order to obtain these items you need to grind for it.
The Items are Aqua Star, Heroic Star, Inferno Star, Life Star, Light Star, Power Star, Time Star, and Void Star
Some Compressed blocks are added to be a recipe for these stars.
The Aqua Star will give you Conduit Power when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The Heroic Star will give you Village of the Hero Buff when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The Inferno Star will give you Fire Resistance and Auto Smelt when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The things that can be smelted are:
- All types of Logs(except stripped) to Charcoal
- Cobblestone to Stone
- Gold Ore and Iron Ore to Ingots
- Netherrack to Nether Bricks
- Clay to Bricks
- Clay Block to Terracotta
- Sand to Glass
- Cactus to Green Dye
- Kelp to Dried Kelp
- Chorus Fruit to Popped Chorus Fruit
- All Raw Meats to Cooked Meat
- Potato to Baked Potato
The Life Star will give you Resistance and Infinite Saturation when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The Light Star will give you Night Vision and Speed when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The Power Star will give you Haste and Strength when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
The Time Star will give you Regeneration and Slow Falling when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
And Lastly, The Void Star that will make you attract items in 5 block Radius when Activated until you Deactivate it or until you die.
Compressed Blocks
- Texture Update for all Compressed Blocks.
- Some Minor Bug fixes.
Make sure to turn on the following.
creator: VEEZION21