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MCPE/Bedrock World Wild Animals Addon | UPDATE

Illustrious Member Admin

World Wild Animals Addon | UPDATE

This addon adds animals from all over the world. Each individual animal function differently and has its own uniqueness from big elephants to the cute penguins. each Update for this addon will focus on one Minecraft biome



owner: yusef

artist/modler : @SirPizzaPasta , @2short4myowngood
sounds designer: @Espinas The Spikey Boi 



Bird Update NEW




loot: crow feather

breedable: no

tameable: no

Biome: forest


behavoir: ambient mob that fly around the world





loot: Feather (and emu eggs that will be laid rabdomly)

Breedable: wheat

Tameable: no

Biome savanna



- will lay eggs like an chicken

- will attack back when hurt

- will have more babys than other animals




loot: flamingo feather (can be crafted into flamingo statue)

Breedable: seagrass

Tameable: no

Biome beach



- will avoid crocodiles and shoebills




loot: no

Breedable: Turtle egg

Tameable: no

Biome: swamp



- will avoid crocodile

- will hunt fish








loot: fish

Breedable: fish (needs to be tamed)

Tameable: salmon

Biome: Beach



- will hunt fish

- can be tamed with salmon and bred with fish

- when tamed you can put items in its mouth

- when tamed you can make it sit or follow




Loot: rainbow feather

Breedable: wheat seeds

Tameable: no

Biome: animal



- will sometimes make it tail wings big idk how to say it on English

- will randomly loose feathers= rainbow feather

- these feather can be made to an rainbow potion


X= rainbow feather

O= empty water bottle


Crafting table=




- Rainbow potion will give you an effect that lets you fly up for 22 seconds

When drinking this potion you will not loose any hunger bar for awhile




breedable: no
loot: fish


ambient mob



breedable: sweet berries
tameable: apple
loot: kakapo feathers that can be crafted into kakapo helmets

will loose feather
can be tamed 
makes funny sounds


ORCA update


updated to the latest version

-added missing ORCA from the aquatic update

Added new block: orca scull

-manta ray is smaller now



-reduced gaunt squids hp

-butterfly’s, hummingbirds, beetles no longer despawn

-reduced zebras herd size

-Humpback whale now have 120 hp

-reduced Capybaras idle shaking sound

-increased lions speed

-increased lions attack damage

-increased lions field of view

-increased lions baby chance

-increased lions speed multiplier’s




-Giant squid will now longer be stuck in air

-fixed fire ants not spawning naturally

-fixed rhinos not spawning naturally

-fixed some render issues with penguins

-fixed capuchin monkey spawn behavior

-fixed elephants having less health when bred

-fixed elephants not being able to put saddle on

-fixed capuchin monkey not following the player sometimes

-Lynx now use the correct sounds

-many animals got new sounds




Knows issue:

desert plants dont generate

seagull not existence

some animations back to the old

blocks may be not in the addon like the new one

some sounds may have been deupdated




Lion and saiga update
the Journey of the west Update 


for more information about the animals join our discord server :))


swamp Update


Crocodile 🐊


crocodiles live in swamp and mangrove biomes

during the day they are often seen resting near the water.

at night they are on the lookout for prey.

when they have prey within range they launch themselves out of the water with incredible speed

and grab their prey.

as brutal as these animals are, you can pair them with beef.


when a baby grows into an adult you can collect crocodile scute and use them to craft new armor 




Alligator snapping turtle 🐢


These freshwater turtles live in swamp and mangrove biomes.

They may look harmless but will defend themselves against their attackers.

sometimes seagrass will grow on their shells this can be sheared and collected by the player 



Firefly 🪰


These bugs spawn in savanna and mangrove biomes at night they will fly around randomly and can be tempted with — .

They will glow in the dark




honey and bears Update


will spawn in villages 

u can trade with them

will avoid monster 

spawns with two bees


brown bear 

spawns in taiga biomes 

will attack u when u get to near 

u can make them trust u by giving them honeycomb

when they are peacefull u can breed them with salmon 

will attack monster



spawns in animal biomes like plains or birch 

will fly around 

comes in 5 different colors 

red blue green pink and brown 

can be tempt with wheat seeds



aquatic Update

added humpback whale 

added hammerhead shark 

added hermit crab 

added manta 



Valentine Update 


can be bred with fish 

tamable with bread 

will follow you when tamed

desert/badlands Update


added oasis

new cactus grass

added tree structure

added dead tree structure

added badlands temple



road runner

drops road runna feather

breedable with wheat seeds

when you are near a road runner it gives you a speed effect

avoid big water sources

sometimes fly around

hunts rattle snake and rabbits

tiger rattle snake

drops rattle item

attacks roadrunners  fennec

will warn and rattle if in danger

attacks with poison

rattle item can be brew into poison potion


hunts jerboa and rabbits

breedable with beef


you can give it a tiger rattle snake rattle and will start to dig and throw at you a item that it finds in the sand

breedable with carrot

is scared of most mobs

drops meat that can be eaten

fire ants

are neutral

spawns in colonies blocks

tempt with acacia leaf

avoids meerkat

will pick up grass and go back to its main colony


added ant colonies blocks

when charged you can shear it and get a larvae

you can craft a new colonies block with a larvae and two ant blocks

when breeding  a queen spawns

added new ant blocks


sulcata turtle

are passive

bred with flowers

when attacked it will turn into a defense mode

drops turtle scute

can be brew into turtle master

bark scorpion

are aggressive

can be bred with spider eye when calmed down

can be calmed down with jerboa


can be tamed with apple

can be ride and saddled

can be bred with carrots

spawns in groups


bred with wheat

eats fire ants

drops meat

gila monster

bred with beef


attacks mobs

is very poisonness







Jungle Update 


  • health 40
  • damage 6
  • tigers are Always on the way to hunt something
  • tigers hunt pigs, cows, chickens, cassowarys, sheeps, red pandas, and baby gorillas
  • when a player walks to near to a tiger the tiger will start attacking and maybe kill the player
  • u can feed a baby tiger with beef
  • tigers will eat all meat items that are on the ground


Bumblebee shrimp 

  • lives underwater in warm biomes
  • will avoid players
  • will swim in groups
  • a player can pick up the shrimp with a water bucket


Red panda 

  • spawns in Jungle biomes and bamboo forests
  • breedable with bamboo
  • u will often see red pandas plant a bamboo sapling randomly
  • will avoid tigers
  • will randomly sit



  • spawns in jungle biomes
  • will randomly fly around and maybe sit on trees
  • will follow mobs
  • drops feather


  • health 40
  • attack damage 11
  • spawns in all jungle biomes in groups
  • breedable with melons
  • there is a male and a female Version
  • males are more aggressive and also attack other males
  • males will also start attacking the player if being to near to the group
  • females are less aggressive than males
  • gorillas will search for melon blocks and eat them
  • gorillas will attack pillagers ocelot, tigers, irongolems, and monster
  • will randomly sit


Capuchin monkey 

  • breedable with melons
  • can climb walls

wild capuchin monkey: 

  • will avoid tigers
  • health 6
  • spawn in all jungle biomes
  • tamable with sweet berries

tamed capuchin monkey 

  • health 20
  • damage 2
  • will follow its owner
  • sittable
  • breedable with melons
  • will defend its owner



  • health 25
  • damage 6
  • will attack players that are not sneaking
  • breedable with melons
  • drops chicken and leather
  • makes booming sounds
  • on bred it will lay cassowary eggs


Cendrawasih (event winner) 

  • spawns in jungle biomes
  • when in love they will dance
  • can be bred with seeds
  • will follow mobs around



spawns in jungle biome 

flies around 

Discord new

join our discord to share your ideas with us an tell us what you are thinking

Frozen Update



- penguins spawn in cold biomes 

  • they often spawn in colonies
  • a colony consists of a : colony creator, two fisher, several adults and an egg
  • penguins love fish and will hunt them
  • penguins avoid polar bears
  • health 10
  • damage 3
  • breedable with salmon
  • when bred they will lay an penguin egg (block)
  • tempt with salmon
  • penguin fisher behavior these penguins has different behavior than normal adults when spawning they will start searching for a hunting ground on reach they will hunt some fish and go back to the colony



  • spawns in frozen biomes
  • breedable with salmon
  • tempt with salmon
  • will hunt fish
  • avoids polar bears
  • health 15
  • damage 6



  • spawns in all cold biomes and in mountains
  • breedable with wheat
  • tempt with wheat
  • when hurt they will fight back




penguin egg 

  • only obtainable by breeding penguins and creative menu
  • have tree block states one day, two days and tree days
  • when ready it will break and spawns an penguin babies



Savanna Update


-elephants are found in Savanna

-breedable with acacia leaf a new craftable item     
avoids bees

-rideable u can put a saddle on an elephant to control it 

-tempt with acacia leaf 

-you can equip them with a chest they offer 32 free space where u can put your items 

-when hurt they will attack back 

-damage 9

-health 40


Bombardier beetle 

  • found in savanna biome
  • will drop Bombardier beetle item
  • breedable with grass
  • if they stand on plants like wheat they make it grow faster
  • they will take damage when in water
  • health 5
  • tempt with grass



-spawns in groups in the savanna biome 

-u can breed them with wheat 

-u can only tempt them if your are sneaking and holding wheat 

-will drop gazelle horn [new item] 

-gazelle avoids player that are not sneaking 




  • they spawn in [savanna rivers] or [savanna biomes]
  • hippos are very territorial and will attack any mob that gets too close
  • u can make them neutral by washing them with a bucket of water but u need to sneak on them so they dont get angry
  • u can only tempt a baby hippo with grass
  • they can swim underwater
  • when its day they will sleep on land
  • hippos will pick up items and eat them
  • health 35
  • damage 11


  • meerkats spawns in savanna biomes
  • u can trade with them by giving them fish
  • breedable with Bombardier beetle item
  • u can tempt them with Bombardier beetle item
  • meerkats are diurnal
  • they hunt beetlesy rabbits, chickens and fish
  • health 10
  • damage 3


- breedable with wheat seeds 

  • u can tempt them with wheat seeds
  • when bred they will lay an ostrich egg [new block]
  • when hurt the group will start attacking the target together
  • health 25
  • damage 6


acacia leaf 

  • crafting recipe

one acacia leaves in crafting table 

  • food item for elephant

Bombardier beetle item

  • can only be obtained by killing bombadier beetle
  • food item for meerkats
  • eatable

Gazelle horn 

  • only obtained by killing gazelles
  • can be crafted into horn block [new block]

Fish bone 

  • can only be obtained by trading with meerkats
  • u can brew a potion of poisen with it

- can be eaten 



grid fence 

  • crafting recipes


water container 

  • works like a cauldron
  • crafting recipes


horn block

-crafting recipes


Ostrich egg 

  • can only be obtained by breeding ostriches
  • have tree block states
  • will change it state and give birth to an ostrich baby after some Minecraft days




you must activate the experimental game Options to be able to enjoy our addon without problems 

do not steal this addon it under Copyright perm 


MAKE SURE to delete the old pack before installing the new one

Download Download button 

2.once Downloaded, open the mcaddon file 

3.Select Open as Minecraft 

Done enjoy 🙂 and report bugs if you find any 

creator: AAALlama

Topic starter Posted : 15/11/2022 2:38 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 20/08/2024 2:49 pm