ZaKuPack – UPDATE!
Hi friend, are you looking for an addon that contains swords ? You are in the right place.
This addon adds two types of swords or one dedicated to diamond and another dedicated to netherite! These swords are not easy to craft but it takes a little work to craft them!
The Two Weapons Have Been Remodeled!
These weapons have new names !
Weapon Graphics Have Been Improved!
Mini Introduction:
These swords won’t be very easy to build but notdifficult either, I wanted to make this addon for people who don’t like to play easy.
Let’s start from the sword we say “Easier” to make, that is the “Diamond Great Sword”: to make this sword you don’t need too many materials, the sword focuses above all on the “Diamond”.
The second sword (it’s a mace) instead is “Netherite mace”, this mace is difficult to make because it requires a lot of materials, but the sword focuses on “Netherite”.
Diagrade Sword:
The sword does 10 damage, has no effect, does not increase life.
As you can see it isn’t too difficult to craft it, just have diamonds and a stick :d
Netherite Mace:
This mace does 18 of damage !, has no effects, does not increase life / slows you down!.
As you can see this mace is hard to craft, you need a lot of netherite and a stick, but it will be worth the pen to craft it !!
NOTE: If You Are A YouTuber / Site You Must Give Credits And Give Original Links!
The Two Weapons Have Been Remodeled!
These weapons have new names !
Weapon Graphics Have Been Improved!
How to Install Free Addon:
1] Never Click "Allow" (You Must Always Do "Deny")
2]If you see that "https://" is not from "MediaFire" Or "linkversite" go back!
3]Do not click any advertisements!
4]Click "I'm Not Robot"
5]Then Click "Click Here To Continue "
6]Wait 10/5s And Click "Get Link"