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MCPE Devilbrine Empire Addon V4

Illustrious Member Admin

Devilbrine Empire Addon V4

This addon is ultra hard battle so many monster you can’t survive if you no companion or guard this is a last battle to good vs evil, knights is separated in all biomes.

This is the last version of Imperial Knights and I add a commander or king to summon a pawn.

This is the best of medieval fantasy, you cannot imagine and so many to explore.

Ghost: in underground


Commander icezer: biomes ice plans, summon icezerknight

Commander of evil: all biomes     Summon assassin

Dark Commander: “rare” can summon

POPET KING: “rare” summon army of devilbrine

Dark king: “rare” can summon

This is a medieval fantasy, one of the best addon in 2019.

“Short story”

The Emperor is dead and Legendary Hero is also dead because of that the Empire is fall the kingdom is no longer, the portal into the angel is now destroyed, the other knights is separated in all biomes.

The ice plans kingdom is rising, but the Devilbrine Empire  is more powerfull, the two portal is now open one of the portal is Darkness, because of that the 2 king and other entity is now free “Dark King” and devilbrine popet “Popet King” 

The world needs a hero and saviour

Who will be the next hero to defence a villager is that you or maybe not?

This is new entity.

Commander of evil (can summon)

Commander of knight (can summon)

Commander icezer (can summon)

Dark Commander (can summon)

General tirion (can summon)

Eufima (one of the hero)

Herojames (one of the hero)

Dark king (can summon)

Popet king (can summon)

King Rex (can summon)

Ghost ( can attack )

Void paladin (can summon)

Wither commander (can summon)

Cursed white

Wither boss updated health

The villager is updated

Not summon in biomes but can summon the dark commander and void paladin.


Dark Crusader

If you think you are a pro and want a adventure want a medieval fantasy and hard battle,

This is for you try it if you survive.


This is all new entity no one replaces,

You can see the animal if version 1.13.0 but if you want to see the animal, version 1.11.4 is for you.


The new entity is not available to summon, but the old entity is available to summon you need to on the experimental.

The resources pack of NoShader is no shader and no block texture but the old sound effect is ther.

The normal resources pack if you want a normal minecraft

Devilbrine Empire V4 resources pack if you want to epic sound effect and block texture, this is for you, but if not available in your Android or IOs I'm sorry, you not the choice hero.


Supported Minecraft versions

1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 15/08/2019 10:32 am