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Minecraft but lava rises every 10 seconds

New Member


Minecraft but lava rises every 10 seconds

Are you bored of normal survival?

Would you like to have a new quick, fun and exciting challenge?

Well this might be an addon for you. This addon will make lava rise 1 block every 10 seconds in a closed area (101x101 blocks)

Also I want to mention that I got highly inspired by: Wilbur Plays on YouTube check him out

How to activate it:

1  Locate a place where you want to play

2 Type /function preparation in chat

3 In the command block next to you type /function start set it to always active and set the delay in ticks to 200

4 get ready to run form the lava and try to survive

You can also type /function help in game for instructions

Also delay in ticks decides how fast the lava will rise I made it for 200 ticks so lava rises every 10 seconds so the game is very fast and exciting but if you want you can change that more delay in ticks slower the lava (the game was made based on 200 ticks if you change that the loading time will be changed as well so if you make lava really slow just be patient and wait for the message lava has started) 


  • The lava will stop at y level 200 after that you can decide what to do 
  • - continue playing like it's skyblock and create a cobblestone generator
  • - play again in a different location
  • - invite your friends and suprise them 😉
  •  Created by: @ThunderMouseMc on twitter
  • Download
This topic was modified 6 years ago by ThunderMouse
Topic starter Posted : 31/08/2019 8:04 pm