Cda's Morph [BETA]
This Add-on is in BETA, and there will be bugs
Cda’s Morph Add-on brings the popular Java Edition Morph Mod onto Bedrock Edition! This currently supports all the mobs as stated by Minecraft Gamepedia, minus the Ender Dragon. You are able to morph into mobs and take their appearance and more using items that you can either craft or get by killing a mob.
Please note that I am fully, 100% aware of many issues. I am working on fixing them. For a question like "It doesn't work", (because it works) check the troubleshooting section. If you have issues with that, then contact me. For something that you think is a bug, report it on GitHub if it hasn't already been reported.
This add-on allows you to morph into any mob. With this add-on you have at your disposal 71 different mobs Morph items that you may use to morph into the mobs, as well as an item to morph back into your regular Player.

Please note that from version 0.0.7 and onwards, using the morph items is different. Previously, you would just USE the item, whether that be right-click or similar. Now, you must SNEAK & JUMP while holding the item.
You also have 1 WIP mob, the Ender Dragon.

Please note, many packs will not work with this, as it modifies the Vanilla Player Files.
To Obtain:
You can either obtain the items by Crafting or by Killing the proper mob. Recipes are provided below:
- *Agent* - Dirt
- *Axolotl* - Water Bucket
- *Bat* - Stone
- *Bee* - Honeycomb
- *Cat* - String
- *Cave Spider* - Spider Eye
- *Chicken* - Feather
- *Cod* - Cod
- *Cow* - Leather
- *Creeper* - Gunpowder
- *Dolphin* - Cod
- *Donkey* - Leather
- *Drowned* - Rotten Flesh
- *Ender Dragon* - Dragon Egg (You'll get it back) - Unavailable ATM
- *Enderman* - Ender Pearl
- *Endermite* - Ender Pearl
- *Evoker* - Emerald
- *Fox* - Sweet Berry
- *Ghast* - Ghast Tear
- *Glow Squid* - Glow Ink Sac
- *Goat* - Stone (Temporary)
- *Hoglin* - Crimson Fungus
- *Horse* - Leather
- *Husk* - Rotten Flesh
- *Iron Golem* - Iron Ingot
- *Llama* - Leather
- *Magma Cube* - Magma Cream
- *Mooshroom* - Leather
- *Mule* - Leather
- *NPC* - Dirt
- *Ocelot* - String
- *Panda* - Bamboo
- *Parrot* - Feather
- *Phantom* - Phantom Membrane
- *Pig* - Porkchop
- *Piglin* - Gold Nugget
- *Piglin Brute* - Gold Ingot
- *Pillager* - Emerald
- *Player* - Dirt
- *Polar Bear* - Cod
- *Pufferfish* - Pufferfish
- *Rabbit* - Rabbit Hide
- *Ravager* - Saddle
- *Salmon* - Salmon
- *Sheep* - Wool
- *Shulker* - Shulker Shell
- *Skeleton* - Bone
- *Skeleton Horse* - Bone
- *Slime* - Slimeball
- *Snow Golem* - Snowball
- *Spider* - Spider Eye
- *Squid* - Ink Sac
- *Stray* - Bone
- *Strider* - String
- *Tropical Fish* - Tropical Fish
- *Turtle* - Seagrass
- *Vex* - Emerald
- *Villager* - Emerald
- *Vindicator* - Emerald
- *Wandering Trader* - Emerald
- *Witch* - Stick
- *Wither* - Nether Star (You'll get it back)
- *Wither Skeleton* - Coal
- *Wolf* - Bone
- *Zoglin* - Crimson Fungus
- *Zombie* - Rotten Flesh
- *Zombie Villager* - Rotten Flesh
- *Zombified Piglin* - Gold Nugget
You can also toggle if you want to only be able to obtain by crafting, by killing, by both, or have no way to obtain. You MUST select one of these, or the pack will not work. To do so, go into your world behavior packs. Tap on it, then tap the gear icon. Then, drag the slider to the appropriate one you would like. Options:
- Left - No Way to Obtain in Survival
- Left Center - Only Recipes
- Right Center - Only Loot Tables
- Right - Recipes & Loot Tables
To obtain the WIP Mob:
Run "/function cda002/", followed by one of the WIP mobs, replacing spaces with Underscores _ and converting to lowercase. For example, to access the Ender Dragon, run:
1. /function cda002/ender_dragon
Please note that there is a reason that the Ender Dragon is marked as WIP, and that I am working on bringing it out.
You may also watch the video showcasing this add-on (OLD):
Known Issues:
- #4 Lack of movement animations
- #6 Camera won't adjust based on entity size
- #7 Held items may render in the wrong spot
- #9 Magma Cube/Slime can only be baby size
- #10 Ravagers do not break blocks
- #11 Weird crouching animation
- #13 Piglin brutes don't drop morph
Reasons some mobs are WIP:
- #81 Ender Dragon renders incorrectly
If your pack won't work, the information below may help. Additional information can be found in the Pinned Comments or YouTube.
- Make sure that when you apply the Behavior Pack, you choose a subpack.
- Note that this *should* automatically happen if you apply the Behavior Pack first, however always double check.
- Make sure both the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack is applied.
- This pack might not be compatible with other packs.
- Cheats might need to be enabled (testing required).
- Before 0.0.6, make sure you're on version 1.16.201+
- As of 0.0.6, make sure you're on version 1.17.0+
- As of 0.0.7, make sure you're on version 1.17.10+
- As of 0.0.8, make sure you're on version 1.18.0+
- As of 0.1.0, make sure you're on version 1.18.10+
- Before 0.0.3, make sure "Holiday Creator Features" is enabled.
- Contact me! I highly recommend using these links as I can more easily receive notifications and as such, help more.
Version 0.1.0:
- Updated Properly for 1.18.10
- Added Iron Golem Cracking
Welcome to Beta!
Developer Message:
Hey everyone!
It's been a fun year. Over the last 365 of this pack's lifetime, the pack has attained over 260 THOUSAND downloads from the Mediafire links! That was completely unexpected. Anyway, I want to update you a bit about the future of this add-on.
With the release of Cda's Morph Beta 0.1.0, I feel like there are so many parts overall that have accumulated to me being unhappy with the project overall. Therefore, I want to make a compromise and a deal. For the next few months, this will be the last update.
I get what this means. The pack will likely not be updating for the next few updates, and so may fall outdated. It may still *work*, but unfortunately it may not work as properly as it should. Additionally, with the 1.19 Wild Update creeping up, this means that the new mobs such as Frogs, Tadpoles, and the Warden will not be implemented.
Why am I halting?
Simply put, this project has ended up somewhere I am not happy with. So many workarounds, bugs, issues, etc. Even from its first release, the project was rushed. Over time, I ended up sacrificing quality for quantity. Mob abilities were never implemented properly, and so many mobs had issues with themselves. So, I have a new plan.
I'm technically not halting.
You just aren't seeing it. Over the last year, a plethora of new features have made their way into Minecraft. With these features, I plan to completely revamp Morph. The items and subpacks, which caused TONS of issues, will be no more. It will also end up more similar to its Java counterpart. But it takes time.
It's why there likely won't be any more updates. I want to dedicate all my time spent developing Morph, on this single revamp.
Thank you for enjoying Cda's Morph for a year, and I hope you all have another great day.
To Download:
1. Download the pack at the given link
2. Import it
2.5. If you are unable to import it with a tap/double click, rename the file from a .mcaddon file extension to a .zip file extension. Afterwards, unzip the folder and move the behavior pack to the behavior_packs folder and the resource pack to the resource_packs folder of the com.mojang folder
3. Apply it to your worlds
4. Enjoy!
This add-on is provided to you under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 License, which allows modification and redistribution as long as proper credit is provided and you use the same license.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, or issues, feel free to contact me!