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Nitwit Spawner Trader Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Nitwit Spawner Trader Addon

This adds Trades to Nitwits as nitwits are currently useless in the game and do not trade anything. This addon adds that nitwit will trade you spawners and spawn eggs for emeralds.

How Does It work?

Get a nitwit villager by a villager breeder or a naturally generated one or just spawn it in if you are in gamemode creative.

Trade with the nitwit villager.

Give it iron for a spawner and emeralds for spawn eggs.

it has all the spawn eggs in the game and some special ones too.

How To install?

Put the behavior pack in the behavior pack’s folder of the world.

Video For Better Explanation


Youtube – AGamingPlayz


Supported Minecraft versions

1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 09/08/2019 10:22 am