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T.A Madness Economy Add-on – Beta 0.1

Illustrious Member Admin

T.A Madness Economy Add-on – Beta 0.1

This is the first of a series of addons I plan to make. All of the addons will be completely compatible with each other. This addon adds better villager trades, and focuses on making villagers more interesting (this does not include iron golems because that will be part of a later addon.)



I completely rebuilt every villager’s trades in this addon. 4 villagers have a completely different profession than before.

Banker villager, and new currency:


The banker is a new villager that replaces the old librarian. It acts as a way to transfer currency. The banker will transfer your iron into gold currency, and your gold currency into emerald currency, and back. You can also transfer iron directly into emeralds.

The new currency is

  • emerald = 6 gold
  • gold = 10 iron

Its a simple currency, but it makes it more interesting than the old emerald for everything currency, and makes it easier to do things with it because everything used to cost almost the same. 20 bread could become 8 diamonds, but not anymore.

New adventurer villager:

The adventurer is an interesting villager that replaces the wandering trader. As you can see it holds a crossbow, and will fight monsters.

They fight

  • zombies
  • skeletons
  • spiders
  • and pillagers

Their trades of now random things from around the world, and they buy mob loot.

New carpenter villager:

The carpenter is a villager that sells buys basic building materials. It replaces the boring old stone mason villager. They currently only sell, and buy all of the logs, and cobblestone.

Cartographer trades:

The cartographer is not completely updated. I only kept the paper trade, and the two maps. I had to make the maps cheaper because 1,200 nuggets for a map is a lot lol.

Incomplete mage:

The mage is a replacement for the cleric. I found the cleric to be really lacking in anything interesting ever since I first started playing Java years ago back in 2013. I don’t really know what to do with them though, so I decided to leave it to the community to decide. Whatever you think I should do with it let me know. This is a beta test after all, and it will be getting constant updates.

Other random changes:

  • Iron nugget crafting recipes now require bedrock (this is to make it, so you can’t just create money.)
  • Gold nugget crafting recipes now require bedrock (this is again to make it, so you can’t create money)
  • gold nugget drop removed from zombie pigmen
  • Messed with cat spawning to get rid of the cat problem of them spawning everywhere

Other notes:

This is a beta, and I need feedback to help improve it. It might have some problems like before when I myself was testing it cats were spawning everywhere (I messed up, and did the oposite of what I wanted lol.) If you want to wait until it is completely stable than just wait until the full release is out, but it shouldn’t blow up your pc otherwise mine would already be dead lol.

This addon requires experimental gameplay meaning it cannot be used in realms to any extent currently.

I will be constantly updating this mod until I think it is good enough, but I will be working on other addons while I wait for feedback.

If you got suggestions for this addon, or any I should make just let me know in the comments, and I will check them every few days until this mod is complete (even when it is complete I will probably still be working on it.)


Supported Minecraft versions


Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2019 3:34 pm