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"Cuter Vanilla Animals" - Updated with parrots!

Active Member

If you dislike the Vanilla Minecraft animal models/textures as much as I do, you might enjoy my resource pack! This resource pack adds a new model and texture for each of the animals– which will function as normal. Now includes wolves, both fox variants, chickens, cows, mooshrooms, cats, rabbits, sheep, pigs, and saddled pigs.

A HUGE thank you to the creators of GIMP and Blockbench for making this all possible!

You will still be able to lead, milk, breed, and hunt the animals as normal with this resource pack! This resource pack will not disable xbox achievements. If you decide that you dislike my version of these animals, that’s ok you can just remove the resource pack from your world and everything should be fine. I will update the pack with more creatures in the future.  I hope you enjoy this pack!

Pictures of all the creatures


– Changes – 

For The Parrots

For the Parrots:

  • Added a completely new model for the Vanilla Parrot
  • Added more realistic wings, beak, feet, & tail!
  • Gave each parrot variant a brand new texture, including an optional Cockatoo texture (replaces the Cockatiel, install instructions below)
  • Added a more lively & lifelike dance animation with small variants based on real-life parrot dancing!
  • Each parrot texture is now based on it’s real life counterpart:
      •  The red parrot variant is based on the Scarlet Macaw
      •  The blue parrot variant is based on the Hyacinth Macaw
      •  The turquoise/light blue parrot variant is based on the Blue-and-Gold Macaw
      •  The grey parrot variant is based on a Cockatiel
      •  The (optional) Cockatoo variant is based on a real-life Cockatoo
For The Wolves

For the Wolves:

  • Gave the wolf a complete makeover, added much more realistic ears, a lower jaw, teeth & tongue
  • Made the back legs have a more realistic/natural angle
  • Changed the leg distance and the upper & lower body size
  • Made the wolves a 3D realistic collar which includes a small golden tag under the throat area
  • Added an angry animation, a “begging” animation, and some ambient animations like tail wags, ear flicks, & panting
For The Foxes

For the Foxes:

  • Completely changed the fox’s appearance to look more true-to-life
  • Tried to make the fox look more cute and less “derpy”
  • Added a model variant for the Arctic Fox since in real life they are smaller/stubbier than Red Foxes. They have smaller ears and shorter legs, tail, & muzzle!
  • Gave each a more realistic texture
  • Ensured that the sleeping foxes would lay their ears back just like in real life
  • Revamped all animations to ensure they would work with the new models
For The Chickens

For the Chicken:

  • Revamped the chicken model (yet again!)
  • Gave the chicken a more realistic beak, comb, and wings
  • Added a tail
  • Gave the texture an upgrade
  • Made the comb smaller and the feet more chicken-like
  • Changed the angle of the body & neck/chest to be at a more natural angle
  • Made sure babies wouldn’t have a comb or wattle until adulthood
For The Cows

For the Cow & Mooshroom:

  • Added a nose, ears, and tail to the cow. 
  • Changed the horns an udder to be more aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Created a new texture based on a real life breed of cattle called an Ayrshire.
  • Created a new texture for the red & brown Mooshroom variants based on my version of the vanilla cow
For The Sheep

For the Sheep:

  • Created a new model and texture for the sheared sheep
  • Modified the existing texture for Unsheared sheep
  • Added ears, a nose, and a face & tail only visible when the sheep is sheared!
For The Pigs

For the pigs:

  • Completely remodeled the pig adding a nose, ears, and tail
  • Created a new texture
  • Slightly resized
  • Created a saddle model & texture for the pigs when saddled
For The Cats

For the cats:

  • Added better ears, whiskers, and tiny little kitty paws!
  • Raised the cat’s tail to a more natural, cat-like position
  • Changed the color of the two yellow-eyed cat’s pupils so they look more natural
  • Color corrected the two black cats (All Black & Tuxedo) so they were actual black and not a shade of dark purple
For The Rabbits

For the Rabbits:

  • Added a muzzle and improved the angle and size of the ears
  • Changed each texture to be more realistic
  • Made sure the eyes were more normal looking instead of two freakish lines on the front of the face


If there’s any model you don’t like, feel free to leave a comment and I will post each model to you can download each separately.


Please do not change, copy, claim as your own, or redistribute without my permission. If you link to my addon for a review or info, please link to this page.


You can contact me on

Twitter –


Optionally, If you like what you see and would like to support me and my FREE downloads/addons you can support me though:

PayPal –

Venmo – @FineArtByAmber

Patreon - UnicornFury



I have provided two links through two different link shorteners which direct you to the MediaFire to give you the best experience, and make sure I still make a few pennies (literally less than a penny) each time someone goes to the page. Both are safe, trusted, and tested by myself and friends (in person!) on 14 different devices, with different operating systems. The ads are annoying, but it's only a few seconds of your life and I promise it will be worth it. Thank you so much for understanding! ?

Download Link #1

Download Link #1

-If you can't get Download Link #1 to work, here's a second option-

Download Link #2

Download Link #2

OPTIONAL Cockatoo (Photo)

OPTIONAL - Cockatoo Installation Instructions:

If you prefer the Cockatoo to the Cockatiel, download both packs in the links above. Apply both to your world, ensuring that the Cockatoo pack is higher in the pack hierarchy. This should replace the grey parrot variant with the Cockatoo.

OPTIONAL Cockatoo Download #1


OPTIONAL Cockatoo Download #2
This topic was modified 5 years ago 3 times by UnicornFury
Topic starter Posted : 30/11/2019 4:33 am
Illustrious Member Admin

Awesome, the sheep are my favs 😛

Posted : 30/11/2019 10:18 am
UnicornFury reacted
Active Member


Thank you so much! I like them way better than the creepy-looking vanilla sheep ♥

Topic starter Posted : 30/11/2019 11:58 pm
Active Member

Now updated with Parrots! I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️ 

Topic starter Posted : 09/12/2019 10:33 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


I just seen these, great work! any plans for hostile mobs? make them a little more evil ^_^

Posted : 10/12/2019 12:47 am
UnicornFury reacted
Active Member


Thank you so much!! And, yes! I do have plans to rework every creature when I have time, but - the mods will role out a little bit slower now, partially due to the holidays and partially because I've accepted a position with a team who has contract in the Official Minecraft Marketplace! So I am extremely pleased to be creating for the official Minecraft Bedrock store!! I do still have loads of free packs planned, so watch for those as well! 😀

Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2019 8:20 am
McBedrock reacted
Illustrious Member Admin


That's great news, you deserve all the success 🙂 

Posted : 10/12/2019 11:50 am
UnicornFury reacted
Active Member


Thank you!! ?❤️❤️❤️ You as well!! May your channel always have endless subscribers! 

Topic starter Posted : 11/12/2019 3:51 am