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Useful Staffs Add-on ( 1.12+ ) Particles Update! MCPE/Bedrock

Illustrious Member Admin

Useful Staffs Add-on ( 1.12+ ) Particles Update!

This add-on was inspired from the new weapon spotted in the new game “Minecraft: Dungeons”. This add-on adds  new weapons into the game that allows its user to alter gravity, use telekinesis, spawn sprites and more. Some of these staffs can be used all the time and some can only be used once, however these can be refilled.



Custom particles have been added to accommodate the existing staffs and sprites. These particles appear when a staff is used and when a sprite is summoned. All staffs have been given its own particle that makes it more unique.

Past versions of this add-on have been lagging and this update finally removes that cause, since the new particles aren’t entities anymore.

They’re also placeable!

If you’ve downloaded my “Place Me!!!” add-on before, then you’ll definitely know where this is going! You can finally place down these staffs for display or later use. Note that empty staffs will just lay on the ground to differentiate itself from the filled ones. On the other hand, the ready-to-use versions of these staffs and among others, float up and down while spinning to give them a more ‘powerful’ vibe.


To activate the staffs, hold them and crouch.

Time staff

  • Hold to summon time sprites
  • 10s life-time
  • Sprites from this staff freezes mobs for 5s

Hatred staff

  • Hold to summon hatred sprites
  • 15s life-time
  • Sprites from this staff blows up mobs and spreads fire

Poison staff

  • Hold to summon poison sprites
  • 10s life-time
  • Sprites from this staff poisons mobs for 10s
  • Do not use this on undead mobs, it heals them

Shulker staff

  • Hold to summon levitation sprites
  • 10s life-time
  • Sprites from this staffs makes mobs float up for 10s

Gravity staff

  • Hold to make every entity float within a 10 block radius

Fire staff

  • Hold to set fire to every entity in an 18 block radius

Item staff

  • Hold to teleport every item within a 20 block radius to the player

Arbor staff

  • Hold to turn every entity to small oak trees within a 20 block radius

Rage staff

  • Hold to blow up every entity within a 20 block radius

Prismarine staff

  • Hold to use turn mobs into water within a 16 block radius

Kinetic staff

  • Hold to telekinetically control entities within a 5 block radius

Wither staff

  • Hold to summon wither sprites
  • 15s life-time
  • Sprites from this staff withers mobs for 5s
  • Gives the player a barrier that withers entities within a 3 block radius, under the condition that a wither sprite exists nearby

Thunder staff

  • Hold to summon lightning bolts over mobs within a 20 block radius

Midas staff

  • Hold to turn ordinary ores to gold within a 3 block radius

Solar staff

  • Hold to shift the day and night cycle faster

Necro staff

  • Hold to summon minion zombies
  • Minions last 15 seconds

Bloodlust staff

  • Hold to damage every entity in the vicinity
  • Keep in mind that this also damages the user

Astral staff

  • Hold to summon meteors from the skies and damage entities in a 12 block radius
  • These meteors explode

Fungus staff

  • Hold to turn nearby entities within a 15 block radius into a brown mushroom
  • Holding this staff allows the player to turn grass into mycelium

Polar staff

  • Hold to freeze entities within a 10 block radius
  • Holding this staff allows the player to turn water into ice and lava to cobblestone under foot

Harvest staff

  • Hold to speed up the process of growing crops and trees

Termite staff

  • Hold to destroy a 7^3 space around the player

Volcanic staff

  • Hold to create a path of magma out of stone blocks, evaporate water and turn obsidian into lava
  • Holding this staff gives the player fire resistance

Hailstorm staff

  • Hold to summon hail from the skies and damage entities in a 16 block radius

Refilling staffs

You can refill a staff that has an indication that it’s empty. To refill a staff, place a staff in a crafting table with an Experience bottle to refill it.

List of refillable staffs:

  1. Time staff
  2. Hatred staff
  3. Poison staff
  4. Shulker staff
  5. Wither staff
  6. Thunder staff
  7. Necro staff
  8. Bloodlust staff
  9. Astral staff
  10. Termite staff
  11. Hailstorm staff


  1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 
  • Added new custom particles when staffs are being used/sprites being summoned
  • Removed lag and over summoning in some cases
  • Added a new entity available in the spawn egg section that can be used to place down the staffs when interacted with


  • This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
  • If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13 (Beta)

Topic starter Posted : 02/08/2019 12:50 pm