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Vanilla+ Weapons Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Vanilla+ Weapons Add-on [1.12+]

This addon adds a total of 25 new weapons to your game, 5 for each material!

There are the swift-striking dagger and katana, which give you a burst of speed when wielding them. Then there are the sais, which, although they have a low resource cost, still pack a punch! Finally, there are the scythes and battleaxes, which are heavy, but are EXTREMELY powerful!

Daggers. Their attack damage is half that of a traditional sword of its type. While holding one of these, you will have Speed 2! (and not as a potion effect)

Sais. Their attack damage is the same as the Daggers’, however these make up in durability with what they lack in speed.

Katanas. Their attack damage is one point less then the corresponding sword of its type. So a Iron Katana would do 5 attack damage in comparison to an Iron Sword’s 6. These Katanas also give you speed, but not as much as the Daggers.

Scythes. These heavy blades slow you down slightly, however they do more damage than a standard sword.

Battleaxes! These hefty weapons slow you down SIGNIFICANTLY, but have a ton of durability and do massive amounts of damage! A Diamond Battleaxe can one-shot most standard mobs!

The Battleaxe crafting recipe (for Wood and Stone Battleaxes, use Logs and Cobblestone-Walls respectively in place of the Material Block)

Feel free to contact me, or comment your ideas and suggestions for changes or additions!

Future Plans:

  • Tweak attack damages
  • Tweak weapon durability
  • Add the ability to enchant the weapons
  • Add secret upgrades to each weapon type   }=D
  • More weapons?


Creator: HaxTheCharizard (No twitter)


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13+

Topic starter Posted : 24/07/2019 1:46 pm
New Member

i have tried to apply this add-on to my 1.16.1 world and none of the effects seem to work? i have no way of telling if the damage works or not but of what i can see, the models are compatible with 1.16 but the behaviors even when added in, they don't seem to function as well

Any advice that would help on getting it to work?

Posted : 17/07/2020 3:54 am
Illustrious Member Admin
Posted by: @sandiestracer34

i have tried to apply this add-on to my 1.16.1 world and none of the effects seem to work? i have no way of telling if the damage works or not but of what i can see, the models are compatible with 1.16 but the behaviors even when added in, they don't seem to function as well

Any advice that would help on getting it to work?

this was supported for old 1.12/1.13 I don't think it'll worth great in 1.16

Topic starter Posted : 17/07/2020 9:19 am