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Working Security Cameras for Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock

Illustrious Member Admin

Working Security Cameras

This command block creation map creates working security Cameras in Minecraft using tag and name commands. This world allows you to use up to 7 security Cameras which are fully functional and you can place wherever you want. This world uses texture packs, MRM resource pack created by DarkStudios


This world creates working security Cameras in Minecraft using command blocks. Map by Venom36

If you are planning on trying to recreate this camera effect in your own world, then download the resource packs from the links. *note, both resource packs have to be active in order to make the Cameras look correct*


*Added links to download the resource packs used in this map

*Added text saying you need to use both resource packs in a world if you want the Cameras to look correct



Press on the link and press download in media fire. Then press copy to Minecraft and the world will be inserted into your worlds list.



Supported Minecraft versions

1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13 (beta)

Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2019 3:21 pm