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MCPE/Bedrock 3b3tmcpe – Anarchy

Illustrious Member Admin

3b3tmcpe – Anarchy

3b3tmcpe is a Minecraft bedrock edition anarchy server – this means there are no rules, and because of this freedom, you can use hack clients, and kill, greif and destroy. Make your mark on the server, it is only a few months old. What will you create or destroy?


3b3t is an anarchy server for Minecraft bedrock edition. There are many anarchy servers on mcpe, but 3b3t provides a true survival experience with no additional commands, such as tpa and sethome. The server utilizes nukkit as a software due to its powerful anti cheat measures and performance. Join today, and embark on your own journey to conquer the server, build a base, form a team, or do whatever your heart desires. 

The server utilizes nukkit as a server software. Nukkit has powerful anti cheat capabilities to prevent game breaking hacks from being used.

however, being as this is anarchy, most hacks including: fly, speed hacks, aimbots and more, do work.

this anarchy server is run by a single operator, and does not have multiple admins to prevent abuse on the server or unfairness. 

The Server is on a powerful machine to prevent lag and provide a smooth gameplay experience. 

This anarchy server will provide you the best survival experience on bedrock edition with no rules or limits.


Added a custom description that is not posted on any other websites 


Server Name: 3b3tmcpe


Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2020 12:50 pm