AfterWorldly changes the classic survival experience into something much more realistic. With the addition of custom generated terrain, thirst, temperature, and weight, along with the added custom dungeons, bloodmoons, more difficult monsters, and giants, the experience on AfterWorldly proves to be unique. Gain back your undying passion for Minecraft in an adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you use your survival instincts to keep on living.
Important links:
World map:
This new and exciting survival experience will push you to your limits, make you adapt, and immerse you in a world that feels alive!

One unique feature is the custom world generation, which overhauls all biomes and creates a more immersive experience.

Another realistic feature is the implementation of thirst, weight and temperature. Anything that would raise your temperature in real life, will most likely work here. This includes fire, shelter, armor, etc. Stay hydrated by tapping on any water source, eating foods that contain water, and drinking water bottles and potions.

Custom dungeons are also spread through the world of AfterWorldly. There are many dungeons themes, and more wil be added with content updates. You can get good loot, but beware, there are also scary monsters.

While adventuring through AfterWorldly, you may encounter giants. These powerful creatures use special attacks such as slamming the ground, kicking, and summoning minions. Once a giant is slain, it drops valuable loot and EXP.

On certain dark nights, players tremble in fear as bloodmoons take over. Bloodmoons are an exciting and challenging event where hordes of mobs and enemies spawn and try and raid you and your base. You are going to need some serious base design and equipment for this dangerous event. On participating and completing the bloomoon, players can acquire valuable loot and EXP.

With our newest content update, we have taken into account that the world around you should feel alive. With this update, the main feature we added is natural disasters. Natural disasters have the possibility of occurring every 2 hours. They range in levels from 1-5, becoming increasingly rare as their levels increase. Don't worry, as you can still be safe, because the odds of a level 5 disaster ripping apart your house are slim, but the world can still reclaim it's what belongs to it. Disasters can be sinkholes, earthquakes, caveins, blizzards, soul storms, tornadoes, acid rain, sandstorms, geysers, and extreme wind. Grappling hooks are another stunning addition added to Version 1.1 of AfterWorldly. You can use these grappling hooks to latch on to blocks and sling your way through the world, making it easier to traverse the custom terrain generation waiting of you on this server. There are also minor aesthetic changes, such as custom particles floating around you, which change depending on the biome that you are in.

Custom Enchantments: These over 200+ enchantments integrate right into the enchanting table and can be combined in anvils and used normally like any other vanilla enchants. For a full list of the new enchantments and what they do, go to: . You can have up to 12 enchantments on any given tool or weapon.

We now have a comprehensive economy. You can use "/sell hand" to sell whatever items are in your hand in order to gain money. If you are already rich in the game, you can "/pay" your friends if they need money! Also, using "/shop" will open a gui of the in-game player market where you and other players can sell items to each other for in game currency!
(no image)
There is now a interactive world map you can use to look at the custom world gen, see where peoples claims are, see who is online and see the chat. It can be found at

- Added over 200+ custom enchants
- added important links, map, econemy, and enchants to post
- just general updating of the post