DiploCraft - A Diplomacy Nation Server
DiploCraft is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition Server where you can form Nations and go to War with other Nations. You can create a Flag, form Alliances, build Cities, etc. Note This server has a whitelist, to get Whitelisted, join our Discord Server and complete the "Whitelist Form" in #links.
World Map (With Continents)

Rules (Also in Discord Server)
1. Griefing (2)
Destruction of Claimed Land is only allowed during War, and the damage is not allowed to be too serious, like the destruction of an entire city, etc. (Not applied to unclaimed land)
2. No Spawn Killing (2)
Don't camp at someone's spawn point just to keep killing them over and over again.
3. No Spam (1)
Don't spam anything in chat.
4. No Lag-Makers (2)
Do not build or place anything that causes lag.
5. Killing (1)
Do not just go around killing people for fun, only do it during War or if someone steals, etc.
6. No Surprise Attacks (2)
If you want to go to War or stop a Rebellion, make sure to justify your Goal in justify-attack-goal and wait for Staff Confirmation.
7. Don't break the Server (3)
Do not build or do anything that could shut the Server down.
8. No Begging (1)
Don't beg staff or anyone for loot.
9. Don't ruin Roleplay (1)
This is a Medieval RPG and Strategy server, don't ruin someones roleplay as king or whatever.
10. Nations (1)
Don't build bases or Nations in the sky, or in the middle of a lava ocean, build it on surface Land in the Overworld.
11. Don't go past the Border (1)
Around the World is a Border made of Barrier Blocks, don't glitch or use Nether Portals to get through.
12. Stealing (1)
You are not allowed to Steal from your own Nation (Unless your a Rebel) and you also can't steal from allies. In any other case, you can steal.
13. No Loopholes (?)
Don't try to work your way around rules.
(1) - A warning will be given, if it is repeated, you will be given a (2).
(2) - A 24 hour ban, if you get another, you will get a 3 day ban, and then a week ban, if you do it once more, you will receive a (3).
(3) - Permanent ban. (You can appeal)
(?) - Depends on what Rule you tried to loophole (example: if you try to loophole Rule 8. No begging, you will get a (1)
What the World looks like (Custom Biomes!)

Remember to Join the Discord!!!!!