Downtime Network - Cross Platform Server
Downtime Network is mainly an SMP server with extra cool stuff like, catching mobs with eggs, java/bedrock support, moving vehicles.
New: New and improved zombie survival, with 7 different kinds of zombies! We also made some
Downtime Network - Not Just Any Minecraft Server
=====[ How To Join ]====
Joining Downtime Network; Made easy!
IP for joining everything:
Default ports for both Bedrock and Java!
=====[ Server Features ]====
- Support for Bedrock Edition Players!
- Movecraft - Create moving airships, elevators, ships, etc. (Survival/Zombie)
- Dynmap - Used for navigation. (Survival)
- Massive 256x Plots W/ Free World Edit. (Creative)
- Server shops like no other. - Buy blocks, items, even have custom horses and donkeys flown to you. (Survival)
- Ferry routes - Hop on a ferry with your horse, and go almost anywhere. (Survival)
- Fast Item Transfer Network - Instantly send items to other people's bases anywhere in the world.* (Survival/Zombie)
- Big cities with plenty of places to explore. (Survival)
- Zombie Survival
- Buy movecraft ships, prefab houses, bases, etc. (Survival)
- Friendly staff, and a small friendly community.
- Catch mobs with chicken eggs. (Survival)
- Pay other people with banknotes, also XP Notes.
=====[ Commands ]====
Entire Server Commands:
/tpa - Ask a player to teleport to them
/tpaccept - Accept a player's teleport request
/spawn - Teleports you back to the world's spawn
/hub -Teleports you back to the main menu or hub.
/server - Send you to a server you specify, Example: /server Survival
/warp - Sends you to a warp you specify, Example: /warp Shops
/rankup - Allows you to rank up.
/ranks - Views a list of ranks that available for you to get.
/rtp - Teleports you to a random location (SURVIVAL ONLY)
/ah - Brings up Auction House, a trading system in Survival and Zombie Survival
/ah $dollar_amount user_name amount - Sells the item in your hand for a specified price.
Example: /ah $1000 SavDoesStuff
/afk - Command to go AFK
/plot Auto - Automatically chooses a plot for you.
/plot claim - Claims the plot you're currently standing on.
/plot home - Brings you to your plot
/plot home username - brings you to the specified username's plot.
/plot deny username - Bans a player from entering your plot.
/plot allow username - Allow a player to build on your plot
=====[ Server Pictures ]====

The big ol update of 2021.
On this update there were multiple changes:
- Improved system stability by updating the server.
- Zombie Survival server is now new and improved with zombie survival only kits and 7 different kinds of zombies.
- You can now click or tap on the NPCs to get places again.
- Split the server up into different servers on the network.
- Slight spawn upgrade to survival.
- New Creative spawn, with wider plot roads.
- New balanced economy to match vanilla MC.
Server Name: Downtime Network
Map: Geyser