ForgeImperium Survival
ForgeImperium is a vanilla bedrock survival server that allows players to do what they please without interference from mods or addons. Whether a player wants to play normal survival or start a war, the only restriction is themselves.
ForgeImperium is a vanilla Bedrock server, meaning that no add-ons are used in-game and the experience is exactly as it would be on your own world. Players can forge alliances, kill their enemies, declare war, or get creative and build their own base. Players may even choose to use the server as a place for them to hang out; the possibilities are limitless. Also key to the server is the necessity of protecting your base. You must be smart about who you share your base with, or it could be another creeper explosion in the ground. There are four highways to ensure that you are able to get started from 0,0 and that you will not be an easy target.
There are no staff on the server, meaning that stolen or glitched items cannot be replaced. Items replaced on death will also not be replaced, as keep inventory in turned off. To ensure that everyone plays fair, server owners will do checks of players' inventories once every 1 - 2 days to ensure that no items are hacked-in. As the server is vanilla, hacking is strictly forbidden. Other packs that give an unfair advantage (including x-ray, tracers, etc.) are not allowed, even though they are technically not "hacks". This is once again to ensure the vanilla nature of the server is kept intact.
Other than protection at spawn (to prevent spawn killing and the server being anarchy), everything else is fair game to be rebuilt, destroyed, traded, stolen, given, killed, etc. Basic command blocks are also set up to ensure that illegal items are not summoned in, nor illegal mobs. To join, see the Discord link below (server is whitelisted to prevent floods of hackers. All you have to do is give us your in-game name and we will add you!)
Server Discord (to join):
Please be patient if you are not immediately added!

Spawn Cabin, with highways in the background.

A player's castle on the server.

Ruins of a base.
Server Name: