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MCPE/Bedrock Modded SMP V2

Illustrious Member Admin

Modded SMP V2

In this server, it’s mostly survival. Basically, you can do what you want but I’d like it if you focused on building things, I don’t mind if they’re dirt houses or diamond vaults; I just want a city or town or whatever. Caution: I don’t recommend using a low-end device (like a phone, tablet/iPad, or a weak console like an older xbox) to join this server, since your game will most likely crash after some time playing, but don’t let this put you off joining, join and try because every case is different.


This server is most likely going to convert to java or shut entirely once 1.17 is released, which will break all the addons, save files, etc.


In this server, the object is to explore the world and build your own colony, or live in an existing colony. There are multiple colonies in the server, and to get officially added in the discord server, ping me in the discord or in-game. You can add your own colony and then get it added officially, when you have at least 5 members.
How colonies work:

  • Colonies are a bit like towns; leaders add announcements and goals, and every player is recommended to pay tax (about 5-10 items) every week, to help the growth of the colony; taxes are paid to any leader or put in storage of that colony.
  • If you want to join a colony, ask an owner (see the Discord) and you can be accepted.

Do not ping me in-game, or in the Discord (read rules before asking to be whitelisted) Go to the addon (link in the discord and say !packs or go #download-packs) if you’re still stuck. You will probably lag if you are using mobile (especially phones) so don’t complain it’s your fault for using a phone to play servers with big addons. Because of these issues, I have greatly decreased the player limit from 100 to 20, if people want more player slots ask me.

The default gamemode is survival, you can build whatever you want, There are Colonies in this server, the starting colony is The Empire (more info in the discord).


There are new items:

Also a new boss to summon:

And the boss itself:


1. Do what the admin (Rattlesnake551) says.

2. Don’t grief or destroy everything

3. NO HACKING; I have encountered many hackers already in this server, hackers will be banned!

4. No spam killing.

5. No spawn killing.

6. PvP is allowed, but this is NOT a PvP server and it is not recommended.

7. Stealing is not allowed, but you will not be banned for stealing once. However, steal logging is not allowed (stealing and then leaving the server with the items) and you may be temporarily banned for doing so.

8. No kill logging (killing someone and taking their items, then leaving the game with them), kill logging is a bannable offence, more severe than steal logging.


Don’t rage if the addons shown here (e.g Actual Guns 3D) are not currently present on the server, sometimes they cause issues and the server needs a reset so these screenshots are not current.

P.S I am paying a lot for this server, so it would help if you would join and help me make a community with these amazing addons!

Join the Discord for updates, votes, whitelisting and more:


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Server Name: Dedicated Server

Map: Modded SMP

Topic starter Posted : 09/03/2021 10:10 pm
New Member

The discord link is expired

Posted : 25/02/2022 12:04 am