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MCPE/Bedrock OreosKingdom

Illustrious Member Admin



OreosKingom is a new skyblock server open to MCPE and Java looking to be a fun server for you and your friend to come and play on we have lots of cool features and will have lots more in the coming future. If you have any Questions or would like to ask anything feel free to message me or find me on the server. 🙂 Happy Mining 

OreosKingom is a new skyblock server open to  MCPE and Java. We have some cool features such as:

Economy and second economy called Oreos that you can earn just every hour you play and other ways  
island Upgrades 
Block Stacking 


Custom Enchants 350+

Minions to do all your hard work

Miner Minions 
Slayer Minions 
Feeder Minions 
Fisher Minions
Lumber Minions 
Upgradable Spawners 
Custom Chests 
Auto Sell 
Chunk Collectors
Ranks  VIP and VIP+
Vote reward's 
Daily Kits
Daily rewards
Weekly rewards  
Monthly rewards
Custom villager trading for custom enchant items 
Cool randomly generating block by block parkour 
We have plans for a lot more to be coming soon so feel free to stop in and give it a try.
If you have any questions please feel free to message me on the discord server or even DM me if your having any problems.
My discord @Mr NomOreos#1635
Server discord @
Server IPs
Bedrock IP:
Bedrock Port: 19824
Java IP:
Java Port: 19750




Voting set up 
Stackable block 
Added Bank notes
Fixed spawner shop bug 
More Coming very soon 

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2022 2:27 pm