Royals SMP
This is the Royals Smp! The Royals Smp has currently 5k members and you can be one too! It is both Java and Bedrock playable! The Royals Smp features lifesteal, economy and earth and other gamemodes coming out such as prison!
Lifesteal Mode
Lifesteal mode is where players can gain or lose hearts by killing or dying from other players! Killing a player gives the killer an extra heart in their health bar! But! If you die to a player, you lose the heart! Hence the name, Lifesteal! The Royals Smp has made it so players can't be farmed for hearts as soon as they spawn in which would ruin the fun for all.
Earth Mode
You know the big blue world we live in? Well, you can now live in it in minecraft! The Royals Smp took a scale replica of the earth and put it in minecraft! You can now tour and travel around the world on a block game!
In the Royals Smp, there are many teams that you can join! Each clan is unique, having secret bases, riches and a working community!

Clans and their bases and wars
Secure Anti-Cheat
One of the many special things about the Royals Smp is its anti-cheat. Hackers are very common in minecraft servers and can use hacks to abuse to their own benefit or to ruin the experience for others. I will not go into much detail about the anti-cheat due to hackers that might be reading this, but good luck to even trying to hack the Royals Smp!

Added Royals Earth Smp! Including a map!
Soon releasing Royals Prison Smp
Server Name: Geyser
Map: Another Geyser server.